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- User Since
- May 13 2014, 10:58 AM (563 w, 3 d)
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Jun 1 2021
Aug 13 2019
Apr 19 2019
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Jan 6 2018
Jul 14 2017
Nov 29 2016
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Jul 19 2016
Jul 14 2016
Jul 11 2016
Just encountered the same problem :(
Jan 26 2016
Oct 25 2015
Oct 23 2015
Oct 16 2015
Sep 28 2015
Would stripping the tags from the md file during rendering be a solution? It would be sufficient here...
Sep 23 2015
Sep 10 2015
That is certainly true for big installs with lots of users. It is more practical with a small user base and long-lived tasks, where you basically know all of the subscribers. I return to the task and see "oh, this one has gathered so many duplicates in the meantime"
It helps to judge the importance of the task. If I see a task that has >10 blockers, I usually see immediately that it is some kind of umbrella task. If I see >10 merged-in duplicates, I see that the missing features probably impact a lot of people, maybe in a different way.
Jul 20 2015
Hi csarre,
Jun 11 2015
That was quick! Thanks
Jun 9 2015
Jun 2 2015
May 20 2015
We want to start a discussion about an existing piece of code, and how it could be improved. It would be very helpful to have the kind of inline comments and the usual discussion format available for that.
Mar 4 2015
Adding the file type to syntax.filemap worked for me.
Thanks for the quick fix!
Dec 11 2014
I did a pretty big update yesterday. I am quite sure (not 100% though) that it worked before.
Nov 13 2014
In case anyone is interested: I hacked around this by inserting another check (for the german version) in arcanist/src/parser/ArcanistDiffParser.php in parseChangeset.
This is really becoming a problem. Is there a known workaround?
If we are going to use Phabricator more extensively at our place, we will need to migrate cases and projects from FogBugz, eventually.
Oct 22 2014
Yes, it is consistent.
Oct 21 2014
Oct 16 2014
Can I still purge them from the command line somehow? I don't like to keep "editing mistakes" around.
Oct 9 2014
Oct 6 2014
Without this, the excel export feature is unfortunately of no use for us here, since we need the information in custom fields for reporting purposes.
Specifically this concerns estimation and due date related information.
Sep 29 2014
Not reproducing here. When reproducing on our install, what happens is
Sep 26 2014
Yes, turning off Blame, the syntax highlighting works again immediately.
Aug 19 2014
Maybe related: T5894: Thumbnails of uploaded files broken when not logged in, Although being logged in here does not help.
Aug 14 2014
Medium important.
We can't completely fix them, but I could write a script you could run to get you 95% of the way there. This wouldn't be a big deal, but would take some time away from other things if it's not too important to restore the historic data.
I'll wait until someone here screams.
I am also in favour of Doxygen generation, with support for advanced features like mscgen and dot code. Would probably just result in a redirect to doxygen on the machine running phabricator?
Aug 12 2014
Will older stories be fixed, eventually?
Aug 8 2014
Aug 7 2014
Maybe one solution would be to move the comment box to the top.
Aug 6 2014
If you enter at least the 7 leading characters of the commit hash, the regular search should find the commit. Do you have no access to the whole ID, so you can copy-paste the leading part?
Aug 4 2014
Aug 1 2014
In one specific case, generated xml files clutter up the diff, which are project files that are being generated. While I totally agree on small commits, sometimes it is not possible, or we are looking at old commits, where there was not so much emphasis on modular development yet.
Jul 28 2014
Changing the situation here to use a git server is out of my jurisdiction, and will probably not be done except for very good reasons. Trying to make Phabricator a good-enough reason unfortunately requires more file:// repos right now, so that is a kind of chicken-and-egg problem for me. I will try to revert it in the meantime, or is there a way to import repositories with the command line tools?
Jul 25 2014
I just tried to import another file:// repo, and since it failed, i found this Diff.
Jul 22 2014
If you consider the backlog as something like the "inbox" for a project (kanban style), it might very well be useful to see how much work the project got stuffed with from outside, so this should at least be configurable.
Jul 17 2014
That was easy!
Jul 16 2014
This one could be solved if one could select <the viewer> in the "In Users' Projects" field when creating a query.
In the meantime, i really would like to deactivate this in our install. Would patching this here be easy? If so, where do i look?
Jul 14 2014
I think there is a distinction between points in time and events, which happen to be defined by two such things. Maybe there are two kinds of calendar entries? For deadlines, there aren't any start/end dates either.
Jul 7 2014
I think if you click "Edit queries..." you can move up the query you want as default to the top of the list.
Jun 30 2014
Jun 27 2014
Jun 25 2014
I am not the OP, but I thought of an inline rendering of the Workboard when I read the task, which I would find an immediate use for at our place.
Jun 24 2014
Specifying regexps would be a nice option.
Jun 20 2014
FWIW, our install also would like to have the option to turn self-notifications off by default. The reason is pretty much what @swisspol said, that the new-indicator in the inbox only reflects that something really needs attention.
May 30 2014
Downtime notifications is my primary concern, which is rather pressing since phabricator gets a lot of updates. As a separate application, maybe it could be a banner-like thing at the top or bottom of the screen, where some global status message can be set (akin to MOTD in IRC)
Is the default hide behaviour configurable?
May 16 2014
masked file names
I think it could be useful if there is a button in Feed that creates a seperate "pop-out" window (one without navigation bar etc) that auto-updates