I work for or provide services to the Wikimedia Foundation, but this is my personal account. Edits, statements, or other contributions made from this account are my own, and may not reflect the views of the Wikimedia Foundation.
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- User Since
- Feb 3 2014, 4:47 PM (580 w, 3 d)
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- Available
Nov 28 2024
Related Phorge ticket: https://we.phorge.it/T15860 / https://we.phorge.it/D25696
Apr 9 2021
Jun 24 2020
Apr 6 2020
Feb 20 2020
IMHO this could be closed as resolved these days.
Aug 1 2019
Jul 20 2019
Jul 19 2019
Jul 17 2019
Jul 6 2019
Jul 4 2019
Apr 22 2019
Argh, big thanks. Indeed that was not obvious at all to me.
Mar 25 2019
Feb 26 2019
Feb 25 2019
Feb 24 2019
Thanks for the quick reply!
Haven't played with webhooks yet so I did not know/realize it's transaction PHIDs only - "PHID" sounded generic enough that I incorrectly expected any kinds of PHIDs to be accepted as input. So this task is somewhere between either "clarify documentation that only transaction PHIDs are supported" or a "support other PHIDs" low-prio enhancement request.
Feb 23 2019
Oct 26 2018
@dlgiang: T13208#241682 above links to https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T199207#4413718 describing a workaround
Sep 13 2018
Jul 3 2018
Jun 29 2018
Jun 19 2018
Thanks for the great explanation and the pointers!
Jun 18 2018
Dec 9 2017
Support for Ubuntu 15.10 ended on 2016-07-28.
Did this problem also happen with any later, still supported Ubuntu version (like 16.04) or can this task be closed as obsolete?
Jun 23 2017
I think that these use to exist and were moved to a help document somewhere.
May 14 2017
Another anecdote explaining that the current situation is confusing:
As a user who has not been active in Phabricator for a while and as my interests in projects might have shifted, I am trying to find out why I receive email notifications about certain tasks and how to disable these specific notifications to reduce the amount of uninteresting mail. But:
- My "Profile" user page does not list any "Projects".
- The email headers do not tell me either why I received an email.
After some thinking I realized that the reason was that I was a watcher (but not a member) of an associated project tag of a task.
I'd expect my "Profile" user page to not only list "Projects" (actually means: Member) but also projects that I only watch. Currently I need to go to one of the tasks that I received an email about, click all associated projects, and go to the "Members and Watchers" page of each project to find out that I once added myself as a "watcher" and remove myself.
However, that might still not explain why I received a specific email: If I have "Settings > Email > Email Preferences > Maniphest Tasks > One of a task's subtasks changes status" enabled, I also need to check all subtasks' projects whether I watch one of them.
May 5 2017
@chad: Errrm, I assume that translates to "wontfix"? Because I don't see how a specific well-defined issue in an existing part of Phabricator is a duplicate of "Build some new tool".
Mar 22 2017
Mar 15 2017
Awesome (thanks for the super fast answer)!
Seeing the long list of merged commits here (thanks Evan and Nikerabbit for elaborating and explaining needs!), are there any further code changes in Phab needed before someone could set up a "Phabricator" project at http://translatewiki.net and let volunteers start contribute translations?
Feb 18 2017
Feb 10 2017
I like. ♥. Thank you a lot!
Feb 7 2017
Jan 31 2017
A while ago on some Phab instance I experienced people uploading copyrighted material as either files or Pholio mockups, then creating custom panels embedding those files plus creating a dashboard. Very creative and convenient. :) My guts also tell me that Conpherence rooms only accessible to specific users were involved to communicate/coordinate, but as admins are not all-powerful no-one could prove, I'm afraid.
"Recent Activity" on /p/username/ seems to not display a user's panel + dashboard creations/edits, even if I had rights to access those items. This might be something to reconsider?
Jan 26 2017
Jan 17 2017
For the records, Version info for that downstream instance says:
phabricator ef44831309df7b8d4b75ab653d1cd22813147c85 (Dec 16 2016)
arcanist 9c8774f9d30b921f0e4a5a10b98a7820517789a6 (Nov 10 2016)
phutil 77ace948f90c1003c2917175eb0a93c158023bdc (Nov 15 2016)
Dec 19 2016
Dec 16 2016
Dec 14 2016
@joshuaspence: Did 'per column scrolling' fix this issue? Asking as I have not experienced this problem in Firefox lately...
Dec 9 2016
Dec 8 2016
Nov 29 2016
Nov 17 2016
In https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T76732#2803813 ksmith brings up that
In the search bar in the toolbar at the top of the screen, searching for "Maps" brings up Maps as the third option. Searching for "Discovery" brings up Discovery as the second option.
When editing a task and entering tags, autocomplete does bring up Maps and Discovery as the first items.
but that could be a separate (unprioritized) task I guess.
Ah, thanks! I've asked downstream if anyone still runs into any issues, but so far I also believe this is now resolved.
phabricator.wikimedia.org is running a version including these changes plus D16886 on top. So far it looks like a great improvement!
+1 to what 20after4 wrote. The approach is definitely helpful, and to make this look less cluttered and inconsistent ("are projects with longer descriptions which take up more vertical space somehow more important?"), cutting off project descriptions seems like a good compromise.
Nov 16 2016
Could someone with superpowers please edit the task summary to describe the actual task content? Like
Bring back links to task lists on project pages; list name of assignee in workboard cards
? (Or who do I have to bribe to get such rights?) Thanks in advance.
Oct 24 2016
Oct 5 2016
Sep 28 2016
Indeed, that one-liner works (nice API).
Thanks for the extremely fast feedback, as usual!
- Link user name in people log view to user page
Sep 22 2016
Sep 21 2016
Aug 27 2016
Aug 24 2016
Jul 31 2016
As I was asked to provide some input here:
That is what I am currently doing via Herald in our Maniphest installation. :)
- Why aren't they using Feed?
As a bugmaster, my workflow is primarily email-based (describing a fact here that likely could be challenged). I receive notifications on Maniphest task changes which interest me and filter / process them. I abuse the "Unread" status of certain emails to mark stuff I'd like to follow up on later. I have not played with Feed (or an application to consume feeds) to be able to judge whether that would also suit my needs on processing large amounts of information and acting on some of that.
- Why do they want all of this information in the first place?
As a bugmaster, I'd like to get informed of most / nearly all changes on tasks, to allow me clarifying task descriptions (steps to reproduce etc), escalate issues that seem important, manage expectations, etc., to support our many stakeholders.
Jul 29 2016
Jul 14 2016
Jul 1 2016
Jun 16 2016
I don't see how Herald rules are related to the provided "example use case" (maybe because it's unclear to me what "MUST acknowledge" actually means). Maniphest's advanced search already allows to combine "Created Before" and "Updated After" to address that "common need" - no Herald needed.
Jun 9 2016
Jun 8 2016
May 24 2016
I think nowadays the biggest issue (as it is the most work to manually correct afterwards) is two folks editing a task description at the same time and silently overwriting.
May 23 2016
Evan, thanks (as usual) for elaborating which options are available! This is very helpful.
May 22 2016
Bugzilla's whining feature is about sending task query results via email, while Herald can only react to single tasks being created or updated.
So I am afraid this is not a complete duplicate of T6491.
May 14 2016
Which email client is this about?
May 13 2016
May 7 2016
May 5 2016
Apr 7 2016
Apr 1 2016
Mar 4 2016
@paladox: Your last question was already answered before in T8612#163215
Mar 3 2016
Feb 9 2016
@RITESH: Please see https://secure.phabricator.com . It says: This is not a demo or test install. Please don't make a mess. You can launch a demo install on Phacility if you want to poke around and try things out. Please close this task as invalid if it's just for your personal testing.
Feb 7 2016
Dec 31 2015
Dec 18 2015
Dec 10 2015
Nov 7 2015
See T5051#137287. This ticket is not a general support place for questions about other existing 3rd party extensions.