In the task view, in the bar/box on the right, the following items are available in the following order:
- Task actions
- Tags
- Subscribers
- Tokens
- Assigned To
- Authored By
My screen resolution is 1440×900 and my viewport is something like 1440×714, given the browser title bar, menu bar, tabs, address bar, and the OS panel at the bottom:
Currently I cannot quickly gather all relevant task information without scrolling - Author and Assignee are missing.
It feels more relevant (at least for my workflows and according to anecdotes of co-workers) to see the potential assignee and the author than if anybody is subscribed or has handed out tokens to a task, to allow me judging the reporter's 'reputation' (whether I need to triage the task or not) and (in case of urgency) whether someone is already supposed to work on a task.
I'm personally not aware of use cases when tokens or subscribers are more important than assignee and reporter (but maybe there were design and usability decisions I'm just not aware of).
#1: Reorder the side bar items:
- Task actions
- Tags
- Assigned To
- Authored By
- Subscribers
- Tokens
#2: (Probably more controversial:) Do not have the task title full width; move the side bar up.
Given my viewport, implementing these both proposals would allow me to gather most relevant information at once (Tokens would not fit on my screen anymore but that's obviously okay):
I know there is no one perfect solution given different screen resolutions, browsers, and OS elements out there.
Plus it looks slightly uglier to move that bar up and not have the task title full width.
Still hoping these two proposals could be acceptable (or at least a base for discussion).