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- User Since
- Mar 15 2016, 11:37 PM (467 w, 6 d)
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Feb 2 2018
We have also found legitimate users who have valid email addresses (Irish users) that are not accepted.
For those visiting from the future via search, I have decided to publish an unofficial bug patch in a github repo, as it breaks once in awhile due to upstream changes.
For those visiting from the future via search, I have decided to publish the unofficial patch in a github repo, as it breaks once in awhile due to upstream changes.
Aug 1 2017
@jessjohnson We use puppet to deploy phabricator stable from a copy on a local file server, then have it run a shell script that applies our patches using git apply on .patch files. Lastly we restart services.
Jul 11 2017
Mar 2 2017
Feb 22 2017
Feb 21 2017
I realise this is a wontfix, but you kept asking for root problems.
Feb 13 2017
Can we please add the keyword subscribe or subscribers in this task title? I looked through 2 pages of subscribers search before filing a dup. I know now I was searching the wrong term, mention would have given it to me instead. But they are related.
We would also like this behaviour, and currently use a workaround to accomplish it (which is why we never came here looking for a fix). We created a custom Create Task form that sets the default view policy to include subscribers.
Nov 29 2016
Nov 21 2016
Nov 16 2016
Thank you very much for your reply @epriestley, and I see what you were trying to say now, I wasn't understanding you before. You were right, I can indeed use your solution (with some modifications), I had not noticed the any of change compared to my own rules.
Relevant to my feature request in T11878, if Nuance could also work on incoming Tasks, that would make that feature request redundant as I wouldn't need to use Herald rules instead.
OK, I'll make my feature request there next time. I didn't ask for support, I made a feature request. I thought those were separate things.
I really hope I'm not missing something here... sincere apologies if I am...
Unfortunately the Another Herald Rule condition does not do what I want, if I understand it correctly.
Nov 15 2016
Oct 14 2016
Sep 21 2016
Aug 25 2016
Aug 19 2016
Aug 11 2016
Jul 29 2016
Ran into this today on this install. Seatrched for open/close tasks with term "javascript".
Jul 18 2016
First I apologise if I somehow came across with any hostility, that was certainly not my intent.
Thank you for the timely response. I'm glad to hear you're thinking about this. I still have many concerns about this that I hope you will consider.
I want to also stress that the new interface does not communicate the different options available very well. The old wizard had radio buttons with things like "have phabricator host your repo" and "host your repo outside of phabricator".
Jul 13 2016
Jul 5 2016
We have started to encounter this as we use phabricator in a devops environment with many teams from a large organisation.
Jul 4 2016
Jun 25 2016
On CentOS 6 here using Webtatic PHP 7.0 with apcu. No apcu-bc available. I get errors with apc_sma_info() not found when trying to access the phabricator webpage.
Jun 9 2016
I'll re-test on our private network w/ latest phab soon, who knows maybe it's fixed.
All I needed to test on my home comp's ie as well was access to a 6 column workboard here, but I felt paying 20$ to use phacility was a little steep to keep the bug open.
Jun 7 2016
Jun 1 2016
Apr 27 2016
Should note that with the test video I posted, I was able to replicate with a brand new workboard with 5 extra columns (6 total) with zero tasks on them, so the vertical scroll bar has no impact on it.
Apr 26 2016
I should add that when I am "stuck" in drag mode (no mouse buttons held down, but moving it around scroll me around like I am click-dragging), I can do a fast left-click on an empty spot on the workboard and it becomes unstuck.
Added time markers as it isn't clear what I'm doing with mouse/keyboard without a visual cue.
Please see attached .wmv file. I used a technet video capture utility as it was quick and did the job, sorry the quality is not higher but it should do the job.
We were able to consistently replicate it on multiple Windows 7 64-bit IE 11.0.9600.17843 (11.0.20) and Windows 7 32-bit IE 11.0.9600.18204 (11.0.28) workstations.
Apr 23 2016
Even if it was just a redirect, that would be great.
Apr 15 2016
Yup, though I want to point out in this case the default IE 11 install on win7 forces compat mode on intranets. so it's more a case that your administrator needs to force it off, or you need to do it yourself to get phab working.
Apr 13 2016
My example for this problem was with Maniphest tasks in T10790, where identical task titles is problematic in the search results.
Ah, I had found T7860 before creating this request, but that is not the same issue in my mind.
Apr 11 2016
An E_PERM panel seems reasonable here, but I'd like to add a use case for hiding.
Apr 8 2016
Yeah, my bad. Sorry about this. Back to my cave.
Ugh, my apologies. I stand corrected. It's not, a bit later on the same page
Apr 7 2016
Apr 6 2016
Apr 1 2016
Mar 22 2016
Mar 19 2016
Thanks @CamilleBouliere we have a requirement to provide FR translations in our organization, so this was invaluable. I hope it is eventually incorporated upsteam!
Thanks @chad, that worked great. I added applying the patch to our deployment script for phabricator. Much appreciated.
Mar 17 2016
Mar 16 2016
I'm in the same boat as @devurandom here, imported horrible AD randomly generated usernames.
Thanks, I thought I had searched before filing, but apparently not with the right terms. Thanks for the information. I wish I could change the LDAP conventions, but I control Phabricator, not Corporate IT LDAP in other departments.
Came here to request this feature, searched for it, found it. Multiple LDAPs over here. Is there some kind of +1 technology over here so you know how many people come here to request it?
I'd be OK with that. I already got our admin to resolve the problem for my install, so I only raised this thinking it would help others. A server configuration warning would also have worked to have me fix this before users encountered it.
You already gave one @chad, on Ubuntu if the sysadmin uncomments that section, then any link starting with .ht would be blocked.