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- User Since
- Mar 29 2015, 6:45 AM (517 w, 17 h)
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Jul 15 2017
Apr 27 2017
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Dec 14 2016
Nov 22 2016
Nov 16 2016
Sep 21 2016
Sep 8 2016
@snaik phabricator doesn't currently support this. You can write your own however using PHPExcel. I can't see upstream supporting this as I can't imagine it would take significantly more time to just pull up muliple tabs unless the tickets are of very poor quality.
Sep 5 2016
you just can't win :(.
Sep 2 2016
Aug 30 2016
It's fairly straight forward to add your own linter extensions as well, the only thing that becomes difficult if how you distribute them. Upstream doesn't help with this at all but you should be able to figure it out from the wiki if you have a need for them.
Aug 29 2016
Aug 28 2016
You are going to have to post more information. I am able to correctly see the error you posted following these steps.
Can you post your arclint file
Push to staging
Although this diff may be completely useless I did stumble upon something else. Since I was being extra lazy today I created this diff with git diff and made it through the UI. The harbormaster plan requires it to be pushed to the staging repository however that was not done so it's throwing an error as seen here
I put up a diff that fixes this however I'm not sure if it's the correct solution.
Aug 27 2016
this is absolutely not a bug in libphutil it is with lighttpd. I will post a small example above showing you why.
do you happen to be using a dns name that you populated using your /etc/hosts file?
Aug 26 2016
That looks pretty normal to me.
@jonah214 I vote for see stuff that goes by. You can use the paste application so it's easier for us to look at.
do you have any more information from the logs? This also seems like more a question than a bug report since daemons not working right is rather hard to debug.
Aug 23 2016
Aug 21 2016
Sorry for this mostly stream of conscious while I was debugging the issue. The main way to resolve this that I found was find the DREV that is being processed in the workers table and kill it. I think some underlying issue exists in how this is being processed but until I have more time to look into it I am happy with just running ./bin/worker kill --id 123
Aug 18 2016
Aug 14 2016
Aug 8 2016
Aug 5 2016
@reet- If you are using ppa:ondrej/php they tend to be of higher quality then the official php packages maintained on ubuntus ppa in most cases. You have to trust someone however and in this case it's ondrej instead of canonical.
Aug 4 2016
Aug 2 2016
I think you are using the word "only" wrong @PascalReintjens, @CodeMouse92. What you mean is by default. You can easily install any version of PHP you want this should not be a blocker for anyone. It's a slight annoyance but so is trying to keep track of the release cycle for RHEL, Ubuntu, CentOS, Debian, OSX, ArchLinux, Gentoo, and every other distribution you can think of.
Jul 26 2016
@Danny_B I am curious about your actual root problem as well. I have heard this from some end users but have yet to get a clear use case. Can you give an example of how you are using your workboards that this is a problem for you. I understand "too much email make it stop" however that is not something that is actionable and very short sighted.
Jul 22 2016
This looks closer to a server configuration issue to me and is actually a pretty strange behavior (mostly because i'm not sure how the redirect after it looks like a request is served works). If I go to in the browser i get the following
{ result: null, error_code: "ERR-CONDUIT-CORE", error_info: "You are trying to save some data to Phabricator, but the request your browser made included an incorrect token. Reload the page and try again. You may need to clear your cookies. This was a Web request. This request had no CSRF token." }
as expected or maybe not? However if i run curl i get
{"result":null,"error_code":"ERR-INVALID-SESSION","error_info":"Session key is not present."}
Jul 19 2016
I have had users request this as well and we actually have a custom application that makes use of this. When you do this you run into other problems such as harbormaster doesn't clean up after tasks. That becomes the job of Drydock and you will have to write your own drydock blueprint to do this in any kind of sane way.
Jul 18 2016
No this is just a general bug report since it's a fairly confusing error message for end users.
Jul 17 2016
Jul 11 2016
Can you update this ticket after reading this wiki please. It will save time for both you and the upstream.
Since it was super late and I should go to bed i decided i should try and figure out what it means.
Jul 8 2016
I have not heard any issues from uses since we deployed this fix so I would assume it is resolved as well. Thank you!
Jul 1 2016
May 16 2016
Not sure if this should be another bug report but the / that is added at the end causes issue when using anchor tags i.e if [[ ../2016.19#gotolocation ]] was the markup the link would also be broken by adding a / at the end.
May 9 2016
It looks like this problem is gone on php7 and hhvm based on this output
May 4 2016
Apr 8 2016
Apr 1 2016
keep in mind that that was successfully compiled by removing lots of code and i'm not completely sure of the implications of the changes.