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- May 6 2014, 7:54 AM (567 w, 4 d)
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Feb 14 2018
So, in my case this turned out to be a well-known issue with git --mirror and the way pull-requests/branches are set up. I was able to clean up the issue for my purposes with this one-liner in the bare repository:
Feb 13 2018
I'm seeing this currently on our brand-new phabricator install. git push --mirror worked for the first repository installed, but now on the second, this is happening.
Sep 22 2016
max connections was set to 250 (default?). We bumped it up to 1000, which seems to have fixed the issue for now.
When rebooting the sql server, we get an error on:
Aug 2 2016
Thanks. Appreciate the quick fix on this.
Aug 1 2016
May 30 2016
At present, the only way to get around the problem is to ignore arcanist and push directly to git for the change that involves this problem.
Feb 26 2016
Awesome. That worked, thanks.
Feb 25 2016
Jan 15 2016
Jan 14 2016
Added a proposed patch. See additional comments in the diff.
Not sure how to test the .arclint syntax with the existing test framework, and didn't find any good examples of doing this among the other linters that I browsed. If you have any tips or good examples to look at, I'd be happy to add some additional tests.
Jan 12 2016
That shouldn't be a problem. I'll take a look at doing something later in the week, time permitting.
Different (albeit related) bugs:
Jan 11 2016
This sounds awesome.
Jan 4 2016
We've seen exactly the same problem on one of our repositories.
Dec 15 2015
Ah - never mind about the landing it part. Doing a git rebase origin/master followed by arc land solved that issue. Though the error message/suggestion remains confusing (and does not at all appear related to the actual solution).
My colleagues and I have run into what seems to be the same problem. A diff D1259 was created to be dependent on D1258 (and D1261 was later added as dependent on D1259, though I do not think that is important).
Dec 14 2015
We've added a linter with this fix to our library of arcanist "extras" ( Also updated the install information for cpplint, as discussed in T9957.
Dec 11 2015
Nov 26 2015
Some feedback from our Phabricator instance. At the moment, the way we have been testing usage of Spaces is:
- S 1: Public (Default). Our open-source projects go there.
- S 2: Internal. Visible only to employees. For this, we would really, really like some way to batch assign/add users to a Policy/Space, as discussed in T9780 and T4103#145539. Handling this manually quickly becomes impractical with large numbers of employees.
- S 3+: Long-running special interest projects. They do exist, and they tend to value their privacy.
Nov 24 2015
As requested by Chad, an attempt to describe our use-case:
Nov 20 2015
We don't advertise our site except to people who are in the field, but we do still get spammers; probably about 1-2 attempted registrations per month on average. So far I think we've managed to catch them all in the approval process, usually by vetting the e-mail address.
Not sure why you think the above describes an anticipated problem. To be clear, this is an actual problem that we have today (and have had pretty much since Day 1 when we adopted Phabricator, but we hoped the addition of the Spaces module would help solve it).
Nov 13 2015
Nov 12 2015
Ah. I guess you're thinking along the lines of adding a drop-down menu or something else as a replacement? That would probably be a big improvement on the current UI for our users of the type described above.
As mentioned in T9775, we think this would be a very useful feature for those of us who need to work on multiple projects. Having it tied to the flags application would make it awesomely customizable (and make Flags a much more useful application).
It's your call, of course, though I don't really see how adding tooltips to the top UI bar is more disruptive than all of the other places that you have tooltips - e.g., the edit box in which I'm writing this as well as pretty much everything item the default dashboards. I also note that in almost every other part of the UI where you use icons, Phabricator is pretty exemplary in either having tooltips or an explanatory text next to the icon, so it just seems like an odd omission to me not to have it in the top UI.
Oct 2 2015
Oct 1 2015
Aug 19 2015
It's been a while since I've worked on this, but IIRC, it was with some of the rules that look at the entire project; e.g., FC011. Nothing that can't be fixed or configured to work.
Jul 6 2015
Jun 12 2015
+1 to what qgil says.
Jun 2 2015
Content hidden at the moment, though. Will check it when available to see if they do anything special.
May 5 2015
Apr 14 2015
This would be very useful for the use-case described in T6004#107054.
Hmm. Yes, for this particular use-case, T7638 would probably be a preferable solution, as there does tend to accumulate a fair amount of links over time in those wiki docs. I seem to think that there were redirects to handle moved wiki pages, but if that is not the case, then that could be a problem.
Having started to close down and archive our first projects in Phabricator, we find this would be a very, very useful feature.
Apr 13 2015
As @cburroughs says, it's the default linter of Chef, so is at least as common in the wild as Chef is.
Apr 8 2015
Feb 11 2015
Another 5 cents on the subject:
Jan 29 2015
Thanks - seems that had failed to upgrade for a while now. Problem solved.
Jan 28 2015
Jan 26 2015
- Aware of this. It was still very useful to have the ability to quickly get an overview of the most important tasks in a project (since those are the ones a developer is most likely to be working on). I prefer using workboards myself (so the new default works well for me), but not all users/projects do.
- Task creation from the dropdown is not context sensitive, the way the create task shortcut in the projects was. The most common Phabricator usage error I've observed so far is people forgetting to assign projects to their tasks (often resulting in those tasks "disappearing").
Jan 23 2015
One option that I miss from the old project interface, is the ability to quickly create a new task in the project when viewing it.
I observe that there have been some changes here. Overall, very positive ... nice to have the project links default to the Workboard, which is usually where I want to go when I click.
Dec 10 2014
You mean something like "Create Similar Repository To..."?
Nov 10 2014
Nov 6 2014
Need a way to add tokens to comments. :)
Nov 4 2014
I see that @chad discussed a solution very similar to what I mention above in T4673#53132. Hope this is something that is feasible to implement.
We've started using Workboards more extensively in projects now, and this is definitely an important use case for us.
Oct 30 2014
Oct 22 2014
Apologies if this has already been discussed, but a search didn't turn up anything. Putting this here, rather than starting a different task, as I guess the answer to the question will probably depend on how this task is solved.
Oct 21 2014
Incidentally, I just imported another repository, which resulted in the feed receiving a bunch of commit messages and one of the other developers on that repository receiving a ton of e-mails (I received nothing, although I also have a few commits in that repository).
Will do.
Oct 20 2014
Will check it ASAP in the morning.
Re: the last point. I'm also seeing this for existing employees at the institute, who have submitted commits using e-mails different from the ones that they are registered with on the site. I haven't noticed this for anyone else - the problem seems to be limited to commiters who are not registered on the site.
Oct 7 2014
A thought, as we prepare our Phabricator site to go public:
Oct 4 2014
I'll second this. Been wondering for a while now, why we couldn't set up a public home page, but constantly had it defaulting to the login. Spent quite a while hunting through security setting before I finally figured out that there was one of the panels set to "All users" rather than public.
Sep 30 2014
Thanks - much appreciated. We've had a lot of benefit from following the Phabricator adaption process at WM.
Sep 22 2014
Nothing beyond stuff that I've already bugged you guys about: i.e., customizable icons and labels would be great, more powerful search capabilities (gather stuff from all projects I belong to, etc)
Agree with @bajb. I feel the problem is that Projects are a bit of a catch-all app at the moment. There aren't really any other alternatives for organizing users, tasks, etc., so it's easy to end up with a lot of different things crammed under the Projects umbrella. This is not necessarily a bad thing, as the concept seems flexible enough to handle it, but it does require a bit of flexibility if that is the case.
Sep 15 2014
Sep 12 2014
Aug 21 2014
This would be extremely useful for creating queries for Dashboard that are actually useful.
Aug 19 2014
Aug 18 2014
Aug 14 2014
@btrahan: Government (in this case, MET Norway). Our IT department needs to deal with everything from purchasing super-computers over development to customer support, so we end up with many different kinds of project teams. And although the development department is the primary force driving for adoption of Phabricator, we need to keep in mind the needs of the entire IT organization. If the developers end up using Phabricator as a project/task management tool, we don't want the infrastructure unit using a completely different task management tool covering almost the exact same functionality. That way lies maintenance hell.
We have many different teams - Maintenance teams, Support teams, Service teams, Process improvement teams, etc. Marking all of those using a generic team icon isn't really all that helpful.
Well, if I could select from that icon set, then no problem. Can't do it currently though, unless I've missed something.
Relabelling, etc. would be a nice addition. A couple of those references would not have occurred to me without a little prompting.