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- User Since
- Jan 8 2016, 11:11 PM (480 w, 7 h)
- Availability
- Available
Nov 13 2023
Nov 4 2022
all my drains are belong to PVC
Nov 3 2022
(You don't actually need a leak detector, I think there's enough absorbent material underneath the sink to last a long while before it damages the floor)
Here is my bathroom sink. The right-most pipe coming out of the wall is the condensate drain from HVAC. The tailpiece is most definitely 1 1/4 and the rest of the piping is 1 1/2, at least to the naked eye.
A few more thoughts:
My terminology might be wrong throughout this but a couple thoughts:
May 3 2022
fill in the details a bit.
(one orthogonal bug I found is that bin/drydock lease discards any blueprints provided in an attributes JSON)
Oct 1 2021
Apr 29 2020
One thought here for Test Plan items: performing edits with the revision loaded in two separate browser tabs. I don't think UX here is important, but probably important to make sure there's no data loss.
Apr 17 2020
Since these may be prone to heavy usage with arguably minimal value for long-term persistence, you could consider a follow-up revision implementing DifferentialViewStateGarbageCollector.
Sep 24 2019
I actually tried to use the extensions directory to hide Composer's vendored files and ran into this same issue.
Aug 8 2019
Jul 24 2019
May 31 2019
Apr 24 2019
Mar 7 2019
Aug 24 2018
We actually just ran into a situation where this would be extremely useful. We're adding a rudimentary start/end time tracing listener so we can keep tabs on our service calls. That listener uploads the data to an endpoint using an HTTPSFuture, but we want to configure it to not show up in the default echoListener (or to not be profiled at all).
Aug 22 2018
Jul 18 2018
- Install XCode. Find the secret "Install Command Line Tools" option inside the Hidden Chamber of XCode and click it.
xcode-select --install should be possible without a full XCode installation.
Jun 7 2018
Apr 24 2018
Mar 29 2018
See PHI496. Multiple users have now reached the maximum level ("Heavy Wizard") on their Support characters, and we're overdue for an expansion pack to add new adventure content.
Mar 22 2018
Mar 16 2018
This is a buff to API humor
Mar 2 2018
Feb 8 2018
Nov 7 2017
The harbormaster builds that we have running on revision creation can sometimes be rather slow; they're builds in our primary CI system, but with less of a priority than jobs in the submit queue. This will result in 10-30 minute delays for every revision in our monorepo. I understand the preference for only adding configuration settings when absolutely necessary, but since this may result in a significant time sink for any installs with expensive builds, is it worth keeping something around like differential.initial-state?
Aug 29 2017
Jul 21 2017
Jul 19 2017
In the refcursor table, our current autoincrement is at 312,036,016. This is only 7% of the way to int unsigned, but the fact that we've made it to 7% in 18 months might suggest that column should be BIGINT, unless there are performance impacts of that.
Jul 12 2017
+1, we've also had a handful of users request this as a per-user preference.
Jul 11 2017
Jul 6 2017
This information may be entirely useless, but it is somewhat related. We have a large number of repositories, with multiple clusters so this affects us in a major way.
Jul 3 2017
If you go through the process manually with the web UI, are the versions OK after initial creation? After adding an observed URI?
Jun 14 2017
May 23 2017
screenshot on ambien
May 17 2017
Do you bucket style guide violations with lint issues? While I obviously can't post internal reviews, I can give you a hand-waving indication that a non-zero percentage of comments are style-related things that aren't caught by linters.
Apr 26 2017
Really a very very beautiful hovercard. It's going to be great. Fantastic job. Really really proud of this hovercard.
Apr 21 2017
That was unclear: we can parameterize on lots of things, just not the commit hash, which is conceivably what you want us to parameterize on.
I have a related question regarding this quote:
Apr 20 2017
I agree, pagination way below the fold is rather inconspicuous
Bystander input: try page 3:
Apr 10 2017
Mar 28 2017
pollice lock us in prisun.
Mar 27 2017
Mar 24 2017
FWIW, All packages in our monorepo have weak dominion.
How do we envision these rules applying to the following situation?
Mar 14 2017
Do git ls-remote (which, curiously, seems to be significantly faster than git fetch even when git fetch is a no-op).
Mar 9 2017
The default -- PhabricatorMailImplementationPHPMailerLiteAdapter
Feb 24 2017
@pouyana Here's a workaround for you. In your notification.servers Phabricator configuration, add path: "/ws/" to the client server. Then, modify your apache configuration like so:
Feb 14 2017
Jan 27 2017
This has come up again with a slightly different use case. We want to intelligently purge tags from our staging areas. To do this, we examine refs/tags/* in the staging area, and parse out the diff IDs. It would be great if we could do this from, but the attachments/constraints don't support it. The current working approach is differential.querydiffs with the IDs, parse the revision IDs out, then differential.query to get the revision statuses and their associated diffs list. This approach allows us to make significantly less queries than examining *all* closed/abandoned revisions, then calling the frozen/deprecated differential.query for the diff list.
Jan 19 2017
Jan 13 2017
Awesome. Things appear to be working now. I suppose I can strip out all the overrides that the most recent commit stripped out. Sweetness.
so if isFieldEditable and isTemplateField are both false, will the field still show up in getcommitmessage?
Awesome. What do you think the time delta will be between release promotion and the fix you have being merged to master?
Jan 12 2017
shouldAppearInCommitMessage() is marked as obsolete, but still seems necessary for me to implement a CustomField that behaves as follows:
Nov 22 2016
Aug 30 2016
Aug 12 2016
After merging with upstream, we were able to increase our taskmasters up to 32, and still not come anywhere close to the number of connections that were previously used. So far, so good on our end.