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anton.vladimirov (Anton Vladimirov)


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User Details

User Since
Oct 30 2014, 9:13 PM (542 w, 1 h)

Recent Activity

Jun 1 2021

bbrdaric awarded Changelog a Heartbreak token.
Jun 1 2021, 8:41 AM

Aug 13 2019

jcox awarded Changelog a Love token.
Aug 13 2019, 4:30 PM

Apr 19 2019

remusvrm awarded Changelog a Like token.
Apr 19 2019, 7:09 PM

Jan 6 2018

cspeckmim awarded Changelog a Mountain of Wealth token.
Jan 6 2018, 4:47 PM

Feb 1 2017

anton.vladimirov added a comment to T10978: Modernize Audit.


Feb 1 2017, 3:25 AM · Audit

Jan 18 2017

anton.vladimirov added a comment to T12121: Allow users to view changes in merge commits relative to any ancestor, or as conflict resolutions only.

This also seems a little hard to believe to me, at least in terms of being a general flaw with this workflow:

the auditor may spend a significant amount of time before even realizing they've already looked at the changes.

You're not wrong ;). I'm mostly referring here to a scenario where a significant enough time has passed where the auditor might not remember the individual commits (months), so the list of merged commits doesn't provide too much value. The user then would have to click on each one to see if they reviewed them already, and then still try to figure out if htere are any additional changes.

Jan 18 2017, 10:26 PM · Diffusion, Audit, Feature Request
anton.vladimirov created T12121: Allow users to view changes in merge commits relative to any ancestor, or as conflict resolutions only.
Jan 18 2017, 9:25 PM · Diffusion, Audit, Feature Request
anton.vladimirov added a comment to T6557: Automatic auditing should ignore merges.

It seems like T3917 is asking for content similarity search (or something similar) as you mention, although falls short of automatic exclusion rules. I don't think this case is covered by T3917, but I'll file another bug, which hopefully will be more descriptive, and I'll let you be the judge of that.

Jan 18 2017, 8:43 PM · Audit
anton.vladimirov added a comment to T6557: Automatic auditing should ignore merges.

I'm not sure that's the same issue. Broadly, T3917 seems to describe a situation where multiple commits with the same content have different identity due to rebases or cherry-picks. This situation has to do with the exact same commit being re-audited due to merge. I guess it technically possible to review individual commits, then merge them into another branch while also making additional changes, but I would guess that's generally not the case and there doesn't seem to be a lot of use in re-auditing all the changes that have been audited individually, but now as a whole. So in a nutshell what t his is asking for is to only trigger an (automatic) audit on merge commits if:

  • audit doesn't exist for all commits being merged
  • there is a non-empty diff between the top of the merged branch and the top of the merge destination. I.e. there are additional changes made during the merge.
Jan 18 2017, 8:21 PM · Audit

Jul 20 2016

anton.vladimirov created T11354: Given a link to a file in a large review, navigating to that link should automatically load the linked file.
Jul 20 2016, 10:11 PM · Restricted Project, Bug Report

Jul 14 2016

anton.vladimirov added a comment to T11331: Explicitly specifying allowed protocols breaks viewing raw files.

But I still kind of think that if you generated a link to your own content you should be able to navigate to it, so it seems reasonable that either:

  • remote URI that start with pre-configured base URI are considered valid
  • "View Raw File" generates a local URI relative to base URI to avoid this check
Jul 14 2016, 11:00 PM · Bug Report
anton.vladimirov added a comment to T11331: Explicitly specifying allowed protocols breaks viewing raw files.

I guess I can phrase that differently, then.
Consider that this services as an exception and the associated error message is extremely confusing:

  • It specifies a URI that is valid and is not external to my server and calls it both remote and invalid, which is odd
  • The URI that is surfaced is a long and very internal-looking one, clearly generated by Phabricator itself
  • There is no explanation given as to why this is considered invalid.
Jul 14 2016, 10:57 PM · Bug Report
anton.vladimirov created T11331: Explicitly specifying allowed protocols breaks viewing raw files.
Jul 14 2016, 10:36 PM · Bug Report

Jul 13 2016

anton.vladimirov added a comment to T11212: One of our audits is displaying comments from another audit.

Looks like that fix affects Differential, but not Diffusion? After reading through that bug, I can totally reproduce this on demand in Audit
I have a test instance here that reproduces this problem (both actively able to reproduce and has commits in the database that are exhibiting the behavior already):, but I reproduced it reliably on 3 separate instances now.

Jul 13 2016, 6:13 PM · Quicksand, Audit, Bug Report
anton.vladimirov added a comment to T11212: One of our audits is displaying comments from another audit.

I'm unable to reproduce on a test install right now, but then again, I stopped reproducing on my install after rebooting the server. It looks like something happens eventually to cause this to break and I start getting these broken comments.
Looks like every time I get a broken one it doesn't have a transaction PHID associated with it and all comments submitted together have the same wrong associated commitPHID.

Jul 13 2016, 6:54 AM · Quicksand, Audit, Bug Report
anton.vladimirov added a comment to T11212: One of our audits is displaying comments from another audit.

oh neat!

Jul 13 2016, 1:53 AM · Quicksand, Audit, Bug Report
anton.vladimirov added a comment to T11212: One of our audits is displaying comments from another audit.

This is, by the way, on a brand new install that's not even a month old.
I tried to reproduce it on another install that is older and I'm not having any luck.

Jul 13 2016, 1:34 AM · Quicksand, Audit, Bug Report
anton.vladimirov added a comment to T11212: One of our audits is displaying comments from another audit.

This actually is a lot worse than I originally thought.
All inline comments that are made on an audit are actually applied to the audit I was previously commenting on (like an off by 1 error). I've isolated the following things:

  • This happens across repositories (i.e. if I have multiple repositories, commenting on one commit and then switching to another repository's commit and commenting on it will produce a comment on the first commit)
  • This happens for all users
  • This happens regardless of audit status - i.e. commits with audit requested exhibit this as much as commits that don't require audit.
  • Submitting an empty comment first thing before adding any content to a commit works around this problem - subsequently added commits appear as expected.
  • The broken state can be easily detected by unavailability of the "hover state" of the overall commit field - pressing "z" does nothing
Jul 13 2016, 1:28 AM · Quicksand, Audit, Bug Report

Jul 11 2016

anton.vladimirov added a comment to T11309: A repository with deleted commits never ends up importing.

Thanks for the analysis and the change. It makes a lot of sense to me now and, to be fair, I wouldn't have even seen the exception had the repository finished importing, which is what the fix does.
Thanks again.

Jul 11 2016, 5:10 PM · Bug Report

Jul 10 2016

anton.vladimirov added a comment to T11309: A repository with deleted commits never ends up importing.

Oh wow! Thanks for looking at this on a Sunday morning!
If this is expected then I think there are a couple of things that are happening that could make it better:

  1. It looks like an uncaught exception, which seems like a crash and definitely says "unexpected"
  2. It gives no explanation of what's really going on here. All there is is Commit "191140" has been deleted: it is no longer reachable from any ref., but it's unclear what 191140 is, and it doesn't look like a valid commit, so at a glance, it looks like something isn't getting parsed right. It is also happening while parsing a commit that I can't find in my local copy, but it exists in Phabricator's local copy. An explanation on how that could happen would be useful, too.
  3. Most importantly, it gives no way to get out of this state. There are now commits stuck in "Importing" state permanently, which leaves the entire repository in an unfinished state. Providing the user with a facility to resolve this (and pointing them to it in the error message) would go a long way here, even if it's something simple and brute force, like ignoring this commit, or marking the whole repository as imported (which is what I ended up doing).
Jul 10 2016, 3:45 PM · Bug Report
anton.vladimirov created T11309: A repository with deleted commits never ends up importing.
Jul 10 2016, 5:48 AM · Bug Report

Jun 28 2016

anton.vladimirov added a comment to T11225: Paste snippets show up double spaced in the context of an audit.

Thanks for fixing it so quickly!

Jun 28 2016, 10:03 PM · Paste, Bug Report
anton.vladimirov created T11225: Paste snippets show up double spaced in the context of an audit.
Jun 28 2016, 6:33 PM · Paste, Bug Report
anton.vladimirov added a comment to T11214: bin/phd status lists long dead daemons.

eventually the dead ones appear to fall off the edge, but in the meantime UI doesn't give me a warning that my daemons are not actually running.

Jun 28 2016, 1:56 AM · Daemons, Bug Report
anton.vladimirov added a comment to T11214: bin/phd status lists long dead daemons.

Ok, I just installed a new instance of the server in another VM.
Steps to reproduce, as far as I can tell, are:

Jun 28 2016, 1:54 AM · Daemons, Bug Report

Jun 24 2016

anton.vladimirov created T11214: bin/phd status lists long dead daemons.
Jun 24 2016, 11:06 PM · Daemons, Bug Report
anton.vladimirov added a comment to T8739: Inline comments not sorted.

Nice! Thanks.

Jun 24 2016, 8:58 PM · Audit
anton.vladimirov added a comment to T8739: Inline comments not sorted.

Never noticed that before? Is this specific for Audit?

Jun 24 2016, 8:48 PM · Audit
anton.vladimirov created T11213: Inline comments show up in reverse order in the summary.
Jun 24 2016, 8:45 PM · Bug Report
anton.vladimirov added a comment to T11210: Provide a way to query for commits with not "Done" (or at least unseen) comments.

This is our expected use of Flags. They already exist on most objects, and users can build/query/sort them as they like for whatever reason.

Yes, that totally makes sense to me (and, in fact, that's what I suggested by teammates do), but even an ability to use Herald to automatically flag an audit based on comment activity would go a long way here.

Jun 24 2016, 8:37 PM · Audit, Feature Request
anton.vladimirov added a comment to T11212: One of our audits is displaying comments from another audit.

Some more info I dug up:

  • There are 2 commits that appear to have flipped comments, i.e. the comments that appear on audit1 actually apply to audit2 and vice versa.
  • These commits are sequential and were pushed simultaneously (i.e. the author made multiple commits on master locally before git pushing them all)
  • In both cases only comments made by the author appear out of place.
Jun 24 2016, 8:27 PM · Quicksand, Audit, Bug Report
anton.vladimirov created T11212: One of our audits is displaying comments from another audit.
Jun 24 2016, 8:09 PM · Quicksand, Audit, Bug Report
anton.vladimirov added a comment to T11210: Provide a way to query for commits with not "Done" (or at least unseen) comments.

I was picturing this as more of a tool to help the author keep track of things that may require attention rather than an auditor to verify that something is done.
This also allows for a workflow where a comment is made after the audit is closed that is not worthy of reopening the audit (and potentially by a 3rd party). And it could be both "I'm late to the party and I have input" kind of scenario and "I'm an intern and I have a question about this change 3 years later"

Jun 24 2016, 8:00 PM · Audit, Feature Request
anton.vladimirov added a comment to T11210: Provide a way to query for commits with not "Done" (or at least unseen) comments.

That almost works. The problem is that as soon as the audit is accepted it fall off of everyone's radar and there is no visibility into the comments an auditor may have made.

Jun 24 2016, 7:32 PM · Audit, Feature Request
anton.vladimirov updated the task description for T11211: A way to request verification of addressed concern for an audit.
Jun 24 2016, 7:17 PM · Feature Request
anton.vladimirov created T11211: A way to request verification of addressed concern for an audit.
Jun 24 2016, 7:13 PM · Feature Request
anton.vladimirov updated the task description for T11210: Provide a way to query for commits with not "Done" (or at least unseen) comments.
Jun 24 2016, 7:10 PM · Audit, Feature Request
anton.vladimirov updated the task description for T11210: Provide a way to query for commits with not "Done" (or at least unseen) comments.
Jun 24 2016, 7:00 PM · Audit, Feature Request
anton.vladimirov created T11210: Provide a way to query for commits with not "Done" (or at least unseen) comments.
Jun 24 2016, 6:59 PM · Audit, Feature Request

Feb 18 2016

anton.vladimirov added a comment to T10377: There should be a config setting for Amazon SES host/region.

Oh, thanks! I'm not sure how I didn't find that one...

Feb 18 2016, 5:24 PM · Bug Report
anton.vladimirov added a comment to T10377: There should be a config setting for Amazon SES host/region.

See T10376 for a related issue with diagnostics.

Feb 18 2016, 9:29 AM · Bug Report
anton.vladimirov created T10377: There should be a config setting for Amazon SES host/region.
Feb 18 2016, 9:19 AM · Bug Report
anton.vladimirov created T10376: Error handling for mail send-test needs improvement.
Feb 18 2016, 8:47 AM · Mail, Bug Report

Feb 5 2016

anton.vladimirov added a comment to T10274: Did arc land --hold change behavior?.

Where's the other request for this?

I was referring to T9973

The motivation was this scenario:

You can land onto a remote branch with a local copy of the branch which isn't really that branch but is just some other branch which you've named the same thing as the other branch.

We can't do that if we actually write onto Release1. The original task or tasks are linked from T9657. The new behavior generally remedies a large range of scenarios where users were confused by arc land writing to Release1 when they did not expect it to.

I think that makes sense for arc land, and as odd a workflow as I find it, I understand the need to support it, but arc land --hold implies modification of local repository, no? Previously arc land --hold was a legitimate workflow that put the user's repository in a very predictable and easy to understand state. Now the end result feels like some process got interrupted in the middle and is really not useful for anything other than pushing. It even kind of looks like a repository that is left in the middle of a failed rebase, with detached heads and unmerged branches. It also leaves garbage branches behind that the user now needs to go clean up manually, and since the branches do not appear merged into trunk, it needs to be a force delete, which is always a little bit of a scary operation, especially for people not experienced with git.

See also T8227.

I'm very much with you on that one. That's why I'm suggesting assuming a certain intent behind using arc land --hold and Doing The Right Thing(TM).

You can use arc alias to define a new command which runs arc land --hold --onto X && git branch -f X HEAD or similar.

Yeah, but that requires us to specify the branch to land onto, which is something arc already knows from .arcconfig.

Feb 5 2016, 12:36 AM · Bug Report

Feb 4 2016

anton.vladimirov added a comment to T10274: Did arc land --hold change behavior?.

Yes, that will work.

Feb 4 2016, 1:31 AM · Bug Report
anton.vladimirov added a comment to T10274: Did arc land --hold change behavior?.


Feb 4 2016, 1:25 AM · Bug Report
anton.vladimirov added a comment to T10274: Did arc land --hold change behavior?.

and you beat me to it.

Feb 4 2016, 1:25 AM · Bug Report
anton.vladimirov added a comment to T10274: Did arc land --hold change behavior?.

Sorry, I accidentally submitted in the middle of typing :)

Feb 4 2016, 1:24 AM · Bug Report
anton.vladimirov updated the task description for T10274: Did arc land --hold change behavior?.
Feb 4 2016, 1:23 AM · Bug Report
anton.vladimirov created T10274: Did arc land --hold change behavior?.
Feb 4 2016, 1:15 AM · Bug Report

Oct 25 2015

CaptSpot awarded Changelog a Like token.
Oct 25 2015, 9:38 AM

Oct 23 2015

vinzent awarded Changelog a Like token.
Oct 23 2015, 9:26 AM

Jul 2 2015

anton.vladimirov updated the task description for T8741: Diffusion lists incorrect revision for commits that are results of a merge with "ours" strategy.
Jul 2 2015, 7:15 PM
anton.vladimirov updated the task description for T8741: Diffusion lists incorrect revision for commits that are results of a merge with "ours" strategy.
Jul 2 2015, 7:14 PM
anton.vladimirov created T8741: Diffusion lists incorrect revision for commits that are results of a merge with "ours" strategy.
Jul 2 2015, 7:13 PM

Jul 1 2015

anton.vladimirov created T8735: It would be kind of neat if Differential allowed specifying priority of reviews.
Jul 1 2015, 11:44 PM · Differential

Jun 24 2015

anton.vladimirov added a comment to T8652: Setting up a staging area shouldn't require Arcanist users to have credentials to access it.

Sure. Is there a task tracking this work so I know what to expect?

Jun 24 2015, 6:33 PM
anton.vladimirov created T8652: Setting up a staging area shouldn't require Arcanist users to have credentials to access it.
Jun 24 2015, 1:30 AM

Jun 11 2015

ox awarded Changelog a Yellow Medal token.
Jun 11 2015, 4:03 PM

May 13 2015

anton.vladimirov added a comment to T7435: Test notifications don't show up until I refresh the page.

I belive in our case it may have been a case of bad SSL config.
It no longer reproduces on our setup.

May 13 2015, 6:50 PM · Notifications

May 11 2015

anton.vladimirov created T8163: Show changes since last accepted version.
May 11 2015, 6:39 PM · Restricted Project, Differential

May 8 2015

anton.vladimirov updated the task description for T8134: There should be a way to quickly navigate between new comments.
May 8 2015, 8:34 PM · Restricted Project, Differential
anton.vladimirov created T8134: There should be a way to quickly navigate between new comments.
May 8 2015, 8:34 PM · Restricted Project, Differential
anton.vladimirov added a comment to T8130: Keyboard shortcut for "Done".

T8131 is kinda related here.

May 8 2015, 6:14 PM · Inline Comments, Restricted Project, Differential
anton.vladimirov created T8131: Clicking "Done" breaks keyboard navigation.
May 8 2015, 6:14 PM · Inline Comments, Restricted Project, Differential
anton.vladimirov created T8130: Keyboard shortcut for "Done".
May 8 2015, 6:12 PM · Inline Comments, Restricted Project, Differential

Apr 29 2015

anton.vladimirov added a comment to T7447: Bring inline comments forward across revision updates.

Maybe collapsing older comments when you get past some threshold similar to what is done in the section of the review and providing a per-thread "show older comments" control or something similar would make sense here?

Apr 29 2015, 6:11 PM · Prioritized, Differential
anton.vladimirov added a comment to T7447: Bring inline comments forward across revision updates.

Maybe collapsing older comments when you get past some threshold similar to what is done in the section of the review and providing a per-thread "show older comments" control or something similar would make sense here?

Apr 29 2015, 6:11 PM · Prioritized, Differential

Apr 20 2015

anton.vladimirov awarded D12484: Port comments through time and space in the common/best case a Like token.
Apr 20 2015, 11:33 PM

Mar 27 2015

anton.vladimirov added a comment to T7676: Packages that are configured to auto-audit often generate audits that are un-closable.

In the image above, I (anton) am the owner of both "Viewing Pane" and "Header Display" packages.

Mar 27 2015, 7:28 PM · Owners, Audit
anton.vladimirov added a comment to T7676: Packages that are configured to auto-audit often generate audits that are un-closable.

That doesn't seem to do it. I still get "Partially Audited".

Screen_Shot_2015-03-27_at_12.26.19_PM.png (138×464 px, 34 KB)

Mar 27 2015, 7:27 PM · Owners, Audit
anton.vladimirov added a comment to T7676: Packages that are configured to auto-audit often generate audits that are un-closable.

Other than bin/audit delete, is there any other way for clearing this (preferably automatic)?

Mar 27 2015, 6:08 PM · Owners, Audit
anton.vladimirov created T7676: Packages that are configured to auto-audit often generate audits that are un-closable.
Mar 27 2015, 6:07 PM · Owners, Audit

Mar 12 2015

anton.vladimirov created T7547: Is there a way to specify a wildcard path in Owners?.
Mar 12 2015, 11:49 PM · Owners

Mar 5 2015

anton.vladimirov added a comment to T7447: Bring inline comments forward across revision updates.

Also Collaborator, advertises porting comments forward specifically as one of their key features in their demos.

Mar 5 2015, 7:33 PM · Prioritized, Differential
anton.vladimirov added a comment to T7447: Bring inline comments forward across revision updates.

I think it might be helpful to provide examples of how this works in these other tools, particularly the failure cases epriestley outlined. In my minds eye the times we would fail to port it forward are many and would ultimately yield more confusion than the current tool.

Unless this is a very recent addition, ReviewBoard doesn't port comments forward, as far as I know. What they do provide is a separate comment digest section where inline comments are threaded, so you can continue the conversation that started on a particular diff even after a new diff is uploaded. I personally find it kind of awkward because you basically end up with your inline comments separated from code and you have 2 separate views of your review. But pretty much everyone else on my team has specifically pointed out as a feature they need the most. So much so that the decision was made to still use ReviewBoard for large reviews that are expected to have iterations.

Mar 5 2015, 7:27 PM · Prioritized, Differential

Mar 4 2015

anton.vladimirov added a comment to T7447: Bring inline comments forward across revision updates.

For us the small reviews like you guys mostly have don't present a problem. Where we get into issues is when we start developing more comprehensive features and reviews start taking a form of a discussion. Our policy is to have 2 reviewers sign off on the review, so we commonly get 3 way conversations in reviews going and we get into issues where multiple iterations are needed AND a discussion continues. For example, if I submit a review and some minor issues come up that I can easily fix, but also a larger discussion starts on one of the changed areas, fixing those small issues and submitting a new diff essentially makes it impossible to follow the (usually more important) longer discussion because it is now broken up across multiple revisions. This is the single most common complaint I hear from my team - there's actually no way to see the entire flow of the conversation.

Mar 4 2015, 2:25 AM · Prioritized, Differential

Mar 3 2015

anton.vladimirov added a comment to T7432: Unable to start Aphlict server with a passphrase protected SSL cert/key.

Fair enough. I got a new certificate that doesn't require a passphrase and it's working as expected now, except now I'm seeing T7435

Mar 3 2015, 1:16 AM
anton.vladimirov created T7435: Test notifications don't show up until I refresh the page.
Mar 3 2015, 1:15 AM · Notifications

Mar 2 2015

anton.vladimirov created T7432: Unable to start Aphlict server with a passphrase protected SSL cert/key.
Mar 2 2015, 8:11 PM

Feb 28 2015

anton.vladimirov added a comment to T6944: Try to create the pid directory in Aphlict.

administrator@ubuntu:/phabricator/phabricator$ ll /var/tmp/
total 12
drwxrwxrwt 3 root root 4096 Feb 27 18:32 ./
drwxr-xr-x 14 root root 4096 Oct 24 18:31 ../
drwxrwxr-x 4 phd-user phd-user 4096 Oct 23 14:46 phd/

Feb 28 2015, 2:40 AM · Support Impact, Aphlict
anton.vladimirov created T7405: After updating to the latest top of tree I'm unable to start Aphlict server.
Feb 28 2015, 2:22 AM

Jan 12 2015

anton.vladimirov added a comment to T6945: Recurring countdowns.

Just an idea :). Thanks!

Jan 12 2015, 7:41 PM
anton.vladimirov created T6945: Recurring countdowns.
Jan 12 2015, 7:37 PM

Jan 6 2015

anton.vladimirov added a comment to T6873: Differential could provide actual content of context lines of code for inline comments.

That’s totally understandable. I was under the impression that you discourage local forks though. Seeing that all of my requests seem to converge onto T1460, if I wanted to help out with that how would I go about it?

Jan 6 2015, 11:51 PM
anton.vladimirov added a comment to T6876: Differential should preserve inline comments in code through revision updates.

Put this in the wrong task, sorry :).

Jan 6 2015, 11:48 PM
anton.vladimirov added a comment to T6873: Differential could provide actual content of context lines of code for inline comments.

Here’s an example. There are 2 conversations and some one-offs going on here, but trying to follow what is being discussed is already fairly difficult. This is a mild example - it fit on one screen.

Jan 6 2015, 11:47 PM
anton.vladimirov added a comment to T6873: Differential could provide actual content of context lines of code for inline comments.

Here’s an example. There are 2 conversations and some one-offs going on here, but trying to follow what is being discussed is already fairly difficult. This is a mild example - it fit on one screen.

Screen_Shot_2015-01-06_at_12.34.13.png (1×246 px, 142 KB)

Jan 6 2015, 8:41 PM
anton.vladimirov added a comment to T6876: Differential should preserve inline comments in code through revision updates.

Sounds like this article might be helpful --

No doubt! And I personally agree, but the team has been doing it this way for the better part of a decade, and trying to convince a group of people that they need to change the way they do things to fit the new better tool we installed is basically a non-starter :). Just getting them to try switching to a different tool was a challenge.

Jan 6 2015, 8:36 PM
anton.vladimirov added a comment to T6876: Differential should preserve inline comments in code through revision updates.

Sure, but the problem my team is having is actually the opposite of “these inline comments are a queue of things to get done”. Differential actually works really well for us when we’re converging a feature and doing a bunch of small targeted changes, but things tend to fall apart for larger reviews that take some online discussion and multiple iterations, like rewriting a component, for example. Unfortunately, my team tends to not incrementally iterate when doing large changes and we often get reviews in 100s of lines of code. I realize that this isn’t the best practice, but this is what they’re used to doing and Review Board supported this habit.

Jan 6 2015, 8:06 PM
anton.vladimirov added a comment to T6876: Differential should preserve inline comments in code through revision updates.

The closest I could find by reading through this stuff is T5654, which funnily enough is exactly what I was asking for in T6873.
There is a mention of this in that task, but that's about it. It's not really obvious that fixing either T1460 or T5654 will also address this. T1460 seems like it has grown into a monster that will address all inline comment issues/concerns/suggestions, though.

Jan 6 2015, 2:24 AM
anton.vladimirov created T6876: Differential should preserve inline comments in code through revision updates.
Jan 6 2015, 1:45 AM
anton.vladimirov added a comment to T6874: Inline comments should be threaded in the Diffusion top level view..

I agree about that "new" thing.
Do you guys have plans to persist threaded view in code itself through rev updates?

Jan 6 2015, 1:15 AM
anton.vladimirov added a comment to T6873: Differential could provide actual content of context lines of code for inline comments.

This would be especially useful in conjunction with T6874

Jan 6 2015, 1:11 AM
anton.vladimirov created T6874: Inline comments should be threaded in the Diffusion top level view..
Jan 6 2015, 1:10 AM
anton.vladimirov created T6873: Differential could provide actual content of context lines of code for inline comments.
Jan 6 2015, 1:07 AM

Dec 18 2014

anton.vladimirov added a comment to T6784: Arc land should have a settable default for --hold..

I just realized that it would be even cooler if we could extend arc land with our own custom extra processing so that arc land is all I need to do and it will do the right thing depending on the project/branch I'm in.

Dec 18 2014, 10:38 PM · Arcanist
anton.vladimirov created T6784: Arc land should have a settable default for --hold..
Dec 18 2014, 10:34 PM · Arcanist

Dec 15 2014

anton.vladimirov added a comment to T731: Allow revisions to have alternate acceptance conditions.

Note that part of the reason this is a low priority is that everyone who wants it has subtly different requirements -- the original requestor wanted "all reviewers", you want "at least two reviewers", another requestor suggested "a reviewer from project A and a reviewer from project B", and the earliest version of this request was at Facebook and amounted to a less extreme version of the symbolic expression language implemented in D4697.

Dec 15 2014, 7:56 PM · Restricted Project, Restricted Project, Differential

Nov 19 2014

anton.vladimirov created T6596: Blocking reviewers continue appearing as blocking even after they accept a revision.
Nov 19 2014, 10:03 PM