Had a suggestion that
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Apr 7 2015
Still gotta figure out Create and Create Task
Ill think about it and ask around for suggestions
Do you have any suggestions on what they should be? or should I remove them?
Apr 6 2015
Sounds good
I just edited a file on admin.phacility.com and I got the email and it didn't go to spam, so thats good, @epriestley think you can have it re-send an invoice email to me? Just to make sure its working.
Apr 5 2015
Apr 4 2015
Apr 3 2015
I'm getting these emails fine, I would look into the fact that all the
email stuff is for phacility.com and not admin.phacility.com
Apr 2 2015
I can't do it reliably, but it happens to me also.
Im kind of wary of Herald ignoring user preferences.
Apr 1 2015
Very true, you are the boss man :D
Makes sense, but changing language based on role seems kind of weird, I guess it can be desired in some cases, but either way, you need a way to set the "master"/default value that those roles would inherit
Mar 26 2015
Looks good at HEAD, closing
Slightly behind:
Mar 25 2015
Mar 19 2015
Ran into it again, (on this install)
Can you test whatever you were trying to do on: https://secure.phabricator.com/diffusion/GITTEST/
What version of git are you using locally? and did you compile it?
Mar 12 2015
Mar 8 2015
MAKING WAVES MAN, MAKING WAVES congrats, you invented a new color
I googled that and D11918 was the first result
"Code review should be fun!" - even if everything is in shades of blue and grey
Mar 7 2015
Quite possibly, that shiz is whack
Working for me... OSX 10.10.2
Chrome: Version 41.0.2272.76 (64-bit)
Because you did, :P
Yea, its in multiple applications
In the screenshot above, the user does not have access to any items on that list, when clicking Lock Permanently it shows a dialog that says you shall not pass, which is correct, but that item should also be greyed out, there are several places that have this inconsistency.
Mar 6 2015
There is a small issue with the linking of the jumping icons where the click mask doesn't really work:
Take a look under the bold heading "Method": http://www.microhowto.info/howto/configure_subversion_to_trust_a_given_ssl_certificate.html
Server SSL certificate verification failed: certificate issued for a different hostname, issuer is not trusted
Im pretty sure that is the issue, either connect over an unsecured connection, generate a valid certificate for the hostname, or have your phabricator host ignore invalid ssl certs
Mar 1 2015
I vote for it.
For Namespaces, that is a huge undertaking, you basically scrap the current autoloading, probably go with a PSR-4 autoloader, and add namespaces and "use" to a bunch of files at once.
Is this to get rid of deprecated functions/workarounds for older php versions or is this more of "I want to use these newer PHP functions and not worry about this old stuff and backwards compatibility"?
Feb 27 2015
I knew it...
I am wholly against this.
Feb 25 2015
Yea, well it looks like an SSL issue according to chrome, and the certificate is one of cloudflare's wildcard certs which does contain some questionable domains....
I see this as well, and phabot stayed in the channel, I have the cache disabled on my browser so I may see this more than others.
Feb 22 2015
I am (so far) not a fan of it, on the otherhand, if they had faces on the icons and those changed when you moused over then... that would be epic :D
Feb 19 2015
Yea, when writing this I wasn't really sure what term to use, lets see what Evan says :P
Notification bubbles do live update if you use aphlict, well, they live increment, they don't live clear themselves which is the issue im getting at.
Aphlict notfications as well
@epriestley, that repo is stuck at 99.99% importing now...
What version of Phabricator are you on? (git hash)
Feb 18 2015
Don't forget about pestering you!
Yea, there are just certain things you can't make mobile friendly, I think this may be one of them.
Feb 17 2015
That works as well, what about making them immutable unless they are installed?
I have seen the same thing several times, Chrome Beta on a Nexus 5 running Android 5.0.1
Feb 16 2015
Phabricator uses MYSQL's fulltext search features, if MYSQL is not configured in a way that supports AND searches, then what can Phabricator do (besides write an entire MYSQL fulltext engine in PHP)?
Look, what epriestley is saying is that as long as Phabricator is configured according to its setup instructions it uses AND by default.
Feb 15 2015
Feb 13 2015
Darn, I thought I actually found something :/
I believe this is actually a PHP issue, I updated my PHP and the issue went away... I think its the current stable on ubuntu that is giving this issue.
I think its probably just a policy thing
If the Nuance application is installed, but you do not have access to it, (your browse to the nuance url and get a 404)
Looks good from my end, its not pretty though, I just see a whole bunch of "Restricted" text I would say for normal users, to hide the audit trail at the bottom
Feb 12 2015
According to PHP.net that function is deprecated as of PHP 5.5 so Phabricator should probably start using PDO::quote() anyway.
I actually can't see anything in the repo, I just get that everywhere
Feb 11 2015
Very true ;)
Yea, I asked Evan in IRC if he wanted reports on it and he said yes.
Differential Revisions
Legal Pad
And it can be viewed here: https://admin.phacility.com/W1
Feb 6 2015
Feb 5 2015
Could always force 2 Factor auth possibly
Feb 3 2015
And if you do select it for an uninstalled application, you get an exception: