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Attempting to post empty comment breaks page
Closed, ResolvedPublic


In a Conpherence, (such as

Hit send at the bottom without entering anything, you get the dialog that you can't send an empty comment, you hit close, and the page is still greyed out from the dialog and you can't do anything till you refresh.

Event Timeline

Mnkras raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Mnkras updated the task description. (Show Details)
Mnkras added a project: Conpherence.
Mnkras added a subscriber: Mnkras.
chad renamed this task from Attempting to post empty comment breaks page. to Attempting to post empty comment breaks page.Apr 5 2015, 1:30 AM

T7318 is likely related from a back-end perspective. Basically, the server and client (js code) need to be able to handle non updates.

btrahan triaged this task as Normal priority.
btrahan moved this task from Backlog to v2 on the Conpherence board.