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- User Since
- Jun 6 2014, 8:14 PM (560 w, 2 d)
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- Available
Jun 1 2021
Aug 13 2019
Apr 19 2019
Jan 6 2018
Feb 15 2017
Yep, this is no longer a problem with the new audit bucketing. ๐
Jan 26 2017
This would also be useful for the Audit dashboard, e.g. to build the query "what audits am I responsible for that I didn't author?" (given that the viewer belongs to a project which is responsible for auditing the commit).
Dec 6 2016
Purely organizational. I don't believe there's anything technically that Phabricator can't do, but we're just trying it out and don't want to move everything over before we're ready to commit.
Dec 5 2016
Sounds like this can safely be closed as PEBKAC
FWIW, in this particular case our repository is hosted on GitHub, so lovely automagic in Phabricator wouldn't solve my specific case.
I think it is the same as T6522?
Your logic there w/ dumping the prefs is definitely convincing. Perhaps I hallucinated this and it was actually that I did something in a different order, e.g. I disabled "A commit is created", then restarted the daemons, then disabled "A commit has auditors added" and misattributed causality (where the real issue was that disabling "A commit is created" is not sufficient to stop receiving emails when a commit is created that you're an auditor on).
Dec 2 2016
Aug 23 2016
Mar 22 2016
Awesome! Thanks for the quick reply @epriestley :)
The data available from feed.http-hooks or feed.query is somewhat limited:
Nov 5 2015
Could the server do the chunk stitching and stream the response to the
client, rather than fetching it all up front?
Nov 4 2015
This might be because the file in question is ~150MB, so it's probably trying to download the whole thing and base64 it (?!) before spitting it back.
I'm also seeing this issue, even just using curl -d api.token=... https://phabricator.url/api/
Oct 25 2015
Oct 23 2015
Aug 19 2015
Awesome! Thanks @epriestley :)
Jul 24 2015
That's how I have the value set and it still expands by default files whose
path matches one of those regexes.
@dpaola2 at this point I don't even remember all the things I had set up, but it involves this monstrosity running on heroku:
It seems to show the "Current Value" as JSON in the config summary, but it's set to a newline-separated list in the actual value:
Jul 19 2015
Jun 24 2015
Jun 16 2015
Jun 15 2015
Jun 11 2015
May 29 2015
It looks like it tries to preload (I see requests in the network tab in devtools for all the images in the mock as soon as I load the page), but doesn't do anything to keep the preloaded data around.
Possibly also relevant: I don't have security.alternate-file-domain set. Is that required to have cacheable images?
Also: the file appears to have 'Cacheable: no':
Potentially relevant: I see pholio preloading the images on pageload, but the server seems to be returning Cache-Control: no-cache, which might be what's causing Chrome to reload the image.
Mar 19 2015
(In fact, there's no attached tab even present)
If it helps, the phame post doesn't show up under the 'attached' tab on the
Mar 12 2015
Feb 9 2015
It would also be great to be able to see all the commits in a range, e.g. master@{1week}...master. (Comes in handy when writing changelogs.)
Feb 4 2015
Gotcha, yeah I would definitely shy away from trying to rebuild something like CodeMirror.
Dec 17 2014
Nov 5 2014
Oct 31 2014
Chrome on OS X.
Oct 27 2014
Aug 5 2014
Jul 31 2014
Jul 25 2014
It definitely worked before rP2101c3b, when I used the 'Start Tracking Time' and 'Stop Tracking Time' buttons on the web interface. Unfortunately that revision doesn't revert cleanly, so I wasn't able to test easily.