User Details
- User Since
- Jan 18 2016, 4:34 AM (478 w, 6 d)
- Availability
- Available
Sep 12 2016
Sep 11 2016
I'm having some issues using the feed.http-hooks with the system I'm interacting with. My endpoint (trac) requires a CSRF token. I assume there aren't plans to add any sort of (even low-level support) for that? That's totally fine, this is kind of an edge case anyway.
As far as I can tell (I'm not a contributor), restricting the 'users' field to a single user isn't supported. Is there any reason your team could just put one user in the box? It sounds to me like it would support your workflow as-is.
Sep 10 2016
Sep 5 2016
Sounds good. Let me know how I can help
Nope, that doesn't work either..
Aug 30 2016
Any thoughts? If it sounds like a real bug I'll file a report.
(meant to add this as a comment, but accidentally added an answer)
Aug 29 2016
Curious, Did you follow the setup guide that includes the rewrite rules? Check your apache / nginx configuration
Aug 27 2016
Jul 21 2016
Looks like that'll work nicely!
Jun 8 2016
This would be a massive workflow improvement for us
Somewhat related to type-ahead:
Is there a task open that will move archived projects to the end of the type-ahead list?
Jun 7 2016
I saw this today, we just created a new panel
It looks like that fixed it. I just tried it with one task, moving it into a subproject board, and then back out.
Jun 6 2016
I will try that now and get back with you
Feb 24 2016
Jan 18 2016
This would be a useful feature as well for myself and the rest of my team. We also find the local commits quite useful.
Please add support to have each local commit translate into a revision update, as suggested at the top of the thread. That would be fantastic.