In a revision, we upgraded a plugin like the following:
But when running arc patch, the following error occurred:
Checking patch hadoop-scala/lib/latest-jar.txt...
Checking patch hadoop-scala/lib/driven-plugin-1.1.1-eap-14-io.jar => hadoop-scala/lib/driven-plugin-1.3-eap-1.jar...
error: the patch applies to 'hadoop-scala/lib/driven-plugin-1.1.1-eap-14-io.jar' (e6fbf95cfa55b44d1e610c4dff35a15d7a65d6a0), which does not match the current contents.
error: hadoop-scala/lib/driven-plugin-1.1.1-eap-14-io.jar: patch does not apply
Is this a bug?
See PHI1999, where another install reports encountering this.