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- User Since
- Aug 16 2014, 12:34 AM (548 w, 13 h)
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May 20 2016
My problem with copying & pasting are the media breaks: I have to format the patch, make sure it doesn't get mangled by some auto-wordwrap, trailing whitespace deletion, etc., and then paste it in or upload to a web form. git push ensures that I don't have to worry about any of that because the patch is an opaque "blob".
Jan 8 2016
I want to work around this in my MUA for the time being by retrieving the information with Conduit, doing the diff locally and splicing it into the mail when displayed. So I started with, for example, curl -d api.token=[redacted] -d ids[0]=123072:
Jan 6 2016
Jan 5 2016
Mar 23 2015
I had looked at this in December and my POC was:
Jan 9 2015
Sep 4 2014
@epriestley: In Wikimedia's case (AFAIUI), tests & Co. are run by Jenkins, so that's not an inability to run them. For example, with the existing Gerrit instance, web edits of the commit message trigger new Jenkins runs. (NB: I didn't searched too much what Drydock and Releeph are, but they don't seem to take over Jenkins' role.)