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- User Since
- Oct 8 2015, 7:35 PM (490 w, 4 d)
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May 31 2021
Jul 18 2019
Jan 11 2019
Oct 10 2017
Sep 29 2017
Sep 7 2017
Mar 23 2017
Done that manually but test didn't pass. Only way on new task to not show Locked message is to apply policy as fallows:
Mar 22 2017
Yes, we have several Spaces. But 90% of users are member to default space arranged by Custom policy if understand right report of reproduction bug coming from @cspeckmim.
I'm a user part of all spaces and I'm facing again that Locked task error.
The form for Create Task is common for all Spaces ( Default Create Form·Edit Form ). Default edit policy is only for subscribers.
Mar 20 2017
Any resolution/guide how to avoid that obstacle ?
Still facing the problem with Locked task in any new task created. Even on new install. It's database/app config. Please guide where to check about that "locked task" flag BEFORE is created object.
Mar 14 2017
Brand new install on another VM, same Database server - same error. So can assume that the bug comes from data stored in database.
Mar 9 2017
Ok, so I have several custom fields in forms such Task or New bug. Could that lead to that de-effect ?
I'll wait Friday stable.... today I've switched from stable to master branch. The install is if I can say untouched and every Friday updated.
Just git pull in 3 dirs and that's all. Use well known bash script for that. All customization and setups are stored in SQL database.
What else steps to report - just pressing New task and appears that.
Is it an option to clean up folder and make clean git clone ?
If tomorrow stable don't resolve that nasty problem will proceed with clean install.
Usual "here in my machine works fine".
Hereby is screenrecord to convince you
Or just give a joker where to look after for raised flag of locked task or like that.
Mar 8 2017
I have to report a possible bug as asked in Q584.
Message for editing locked task when create new non-existing task:
Jan 18 2017
What branch you checkout - master or stable ?
Never mind, I found what you've done, sorry.
With that charge you can retire at that moment ... ridiculous.
I'm pretty sure in lab clean env from scratch all will works flawlessly. The point is in working environment.
Should be some guide where to dig for a problem.
Anyway will try with new clean install and migration of real data.
And will inform my boss that my month salary some guys take it for an hour :)
Jan 17 2017
Is it test facility Master branch synced. Because there all works but here is master updated not stable.
I'm afraid that can't revert to Stable due to database changes.
Jan 16 2017
Additional info - Phab is updated to Master stream after appearance of problem.
Dec 13 2016
Nov 21 2016
Why? We set up email integration before, but each task needs to have specific projects so that didn't work and now I'm stuck doing the entry by hand.
This is in the realm of reasonable, and likely easy to solve with custom inbound addresses and Herald rules, or with a small extension to Herald. We might try to improve the documentation to make the feature easier to discover or understand.
Ok, whatever you say.
Sep 17 2016
Jul 15 2016
Jul 1 2016
May 26 2016
Thank you very much !
Good time of day palls.
How to add tag (respectively connect repo to project) in that new style ?
I'm asking because till now all our commits to HG repo was referenced to task with keywords like "ref" or "closes" etc.
All our repos is organized and setup like that. Today I must create new repo attached to new project and the problem....
Can't reference or act to any task/project with commits?
Or I miss something but can't find even add tag command.
Please advice, thanks in advance !
Feb 1 2016
I found the project ID with that method link
The bug can be closed, thanks to all of you !
Thank you!
I was sure there is solution like that.
But what abbreviation is for Project object ?
Dec 4 2015
Is that search/group by custom fields works in latest release from this week?
I'm in need of that but can't see any custom field (added in Maniphest) in search query task interface.
Thanks for answers
Oct 27 2015
Oct 26 2015
Oct 15 2015
Oct 9 2015
Thanks for sharing but not luck again.
Will dig additionally.
Yes I'm feel like...stupid.
Tried all reasonable variants - admin, domain\admin, cn=admin dc=domain dc=com, always finish with exception.
If I should provide additional information, please advice.
Will give one more try and abandon the tool respectively, I don't want to make by hand 250+ users.
Yeah probably don't provide additional data, but it's public secret LDAP attributes of MS AD 2008 structure as sn, cn or sAMAccountName, base DN as suppose to be ou=people, dc=domain, dc=com.
Anyway, things I've tried is:
1.ldapsearch to find suitable attribute for setup of phab:
Oct 8 2015
Sorry guys but 2 days can't setup LDAP auth against AD 2008.
My task is to allow existing user to login/authenticate with their domain user and pass to work in collaboration at Phab.
Tried everything what have means, tried all possible fields returned by ldapsearch and always end up with exception :(
Make few setups against OpenLDAP on Debian linux and no success again...
Can't think about import from LDAP before resolve this.