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- User Since
- Oct 26 2014, 3:10 AM (540 w, 2 d)
- Availability
- Available
Jul 11 2017
These types of e-mails are still being sent. Here's one from July 10, 2017:
Mar 2 2017
Jan 27 2017
This task got cross-referenced with My impression of the Wikimedia Phabricator task was that we wanted a way for Phabricator admins to be able to edit the title of another user without needing to edit the database contents directly (cf. I'm not sure this task captures that request.
Nov 6 2016
Oct 30 2016
It looks like T10814, specifically T10814#170824, provide some useful info. Thank you for that link!
I'd like to get this task un-stuck. I'm unclear on Phabricator's current internationalization capabilities.
Oct 18 2016
Aug 19 2016
Aug 18 2016
Aug 14 2016
Aug 13 2016
Aug 1 2016
Jul 5 2016
I received this e-mail recently:
Jun 7 2016
Feb 6 2016
On the Wikimedia side, looking at, I see almost no support or consensus for this feature. Restricting open editing is in some ways antithetical to Wikimedia's values (we try to be as open as possible) and there are a lot of other issues with Phabricator that are higher priority for us.
Aug 18 2015
I find this type of hasty task closure really off-putting and inappropriate. There are many parts of Phabricator and Phabricator development that I like, but this issue tracker is a little toxic.
Jun 14 2015
Mar 23 2015
This issue is especially painful if users treat Phabricator Maniphest task descriptions as a drafting area. (Wikimedia migrated from Bugzilla, which had non-editable bug descriptions. Users have started to adapt to Phabricator's more open nature.)
Oct 26 2014
I'm politely requesting a reconsideration of this ticket as I filed a similar task at and was pointed here.