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Highlight files owned by self/project when viewing revision
Closed, ResolvedPublic

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vyphan raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
vyphan updated the task description. (Show Details)
vyphan added projects: Differential, Owners.
vyphan added a subscriber: vyphan.

Mock from @nickz:

Screen Shot 2015-08-04 at 4.17.53 PM.png (218×759 px, 45 KB)

My plan here is:

  • Complete T2183 first, which unifies this element between Diffusion and Differential. Diffusion already has some code which highlights files.
  • Highlight files in a package you are an owner of, in both applications.
  • Probably add a smaller icon with a tooltip for the package name, instead of putting the entire package name on the line.

@nickz, does that sound reasonable? The other use cases I've seen (this task, T1226), the primary use case is quickly identifying files the viewer owns. Is that the case in your use case, as well, or do you have a more complicated use case where identifying the specific package is important? There's some additional discussion in T1226.

@epriestley, thanks for consolidating my request into this task! Some comments: a person could be an owner of multiple packages, it would be better to indicate all files with their package names instead of only indicate the files you are an owner of; We actually don't need to put the package name on each line, we can group the files by package and put the package name to each group. One benefit of indicating all files with package names is everybody see the same, there will be less confusion (in most cases we can assume everybody knows if s/he is an owner of a package).