Mar 16 2021
At least some installs have been using Drydock in production for a while. This could be made easier -- and this task still has the best guide for it -- but I think nothing actionable here remains.
Jul 22 2016
File a bug report please.
It didn't work for me.
Jun 5 2016
Mar 5 2016
Drydock and Almanac are now available in the cluster. Here's a rough guide to configuring them -- I'll turn this into something formal once things work a little more smoothly.
Mar 4 2016
Quick update here ahead of deployment tomorrow:
Feb 27 2016
This is detailed in T10463, but the API changes seem to have deployed with only a few minor rough patches, so we're currently on track to deploy everything else next Saturday (March 5).
Feb 26 2016
New APIs are going out tomorrow morning (Saturday, February 27). I expect to unprototype Almanac shortly after that, provided things go relatively smoothly, so it will become available the following week (Saturday, March 5).
Feb 25 2016
As a note to myself, I also need to adjust config for instances after pushing this, since empty values are now explicit. This only affects a handful of instances and they're easy to identify, so I may just do it manually rather than trying to write a migration.
I also have a small patch against rCORE, but it's pretty minor and I can't really test it fully until the rest of this stuff makes it into production.
Er,, rather.
D15345 adds these capabilities:
Feb 24 2016
Quoting for the main page :
Feb 23 2016
Feb 22 2016
Quick summary here: