To go at my problem from a different angle: I would also happily settle for the ability to do and save a search of commits on a specific branch. (although my goal was to include commits on master from this repo and commits from other repos cause while we have a product monorepo we have other repos for tools, experiments, etc)
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Mar 28 2017
In fact this is totally undermining the utility of my attempt at a recent commits dashboard... the panel's window is now entirely filled with such commits from the last minute
Jan 16 2017
If they need to bridge the difference as some fields are migrated and some aren't consider something like
For the record, D17207 is needed for any custom field implemented in accordance to this ticket (without shouldAppearInCommitMessage) not just ones in the not-editable special case.
Aug 31 2016
In T10456#184273, @jack.chung wrote:if it helps anyone, the workaround "fix" is to place the following code in the file "src/applications/conduit/parametertype/ConduitBoolParameterType.php "
$value = (boolean) $value;at about line 9 just before the following piece of code:
if (!is_bool($value)) {Its a bit of a hack, so I'm not sure how much to trust this workaround for a production instance of Phabricator, but hopefully, it helps someone out there. The issue is (I think) basically related to where PHP converts the curl input as a string.
Aug 4 2016
In general some kind of batching (e.g. "Donald commented on T### , approved D###, did it N other actions, click to expand") would also address this, but a view level filter seemed like an easier ask
Jul 28 2016
For the very little it is worth, my coworkers consistently refer to our instance as Phab, matching the subdomain we gave it, and currently have a mark like
Jan 8 2016
I would also express interest in Thoughtwork's