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2015 Week 44 (Very Late October)
Updated 3,150 Days AgoPublic

Summary of changes from October 24, 2015 to November 1, 2015.

PhabricatorrPrP2c2d1d139 commits
ArcanistrARCrARCbaf5eb87 commits
libphutilrPHUrPHU59f5a8d3 commits
Instances (SAAS)rSAASrSAASeb7277a0 commits
Services (SAAS)rSERVICESrSERVICES58a0e840 commits
Core (SAAS)rCORErCORE3cfa2210 commits


  • arc land in Git has been substantially rewritten. Existing behavior should be largely unchanged, but many new things should work now. See T9657 for discussion.
  • The {icon} rule now supports a spin attribute:


  • No notes in this period.


20151023.harborpolicy.1.sql-Adds build plan policies.
20151023.harborpolicy.2.php-Initializes build plan policies.
20151023.patchduration.sql80msRecords data to generate the "Duration" column in this "Migrations" table. Meta!
20150906.mailinglist.sql Destroys Data7msDrops obsolete, fully migrated mailing list table. See T8398.

"Duration" is the duration for this install, and may not be representative.

Upgrading / Compatibility

  • There is an upcoming mandatory migration from old Differential hunk storage to new Differential hunk storage. Installs with a large amount of data and a long history can avoid maintenance downtime by running this migration manually in advance of when it becomes mandatory. Follow T8623 for discussion.


Drydock is a prototype application.

  • Expanded support for controlling resource limits.
  • Added basic merge support to WorkingCopy blueprints.
  • Repository operation UI is a little better.
  • Fixes some issues with the LandRevision operation.
  • Added a "Test Configuration" action for repository automation.
  • Wrote a substantial amount of documentation.
  • "Land Revision" now operates only on accepted revisions.


  • Harbormaster build plans now have configurable policies.
  • Harbormaster build steps now have a dedicated view page.
  • Corrected some issues with prototype build steps.


  • Improved performance of PhutilUTF8StringTruncator for some large inputs.
  • Fixed some compatibility issues with PHP 7.
  • We now record how long storage patches took to apply (see table above).
  • The current Phabricator version has moved to ConfigVersions.
  • Made various updates to support documentation.
  • The ConfigPHID Types module now shows more information.
  • You can no longer bin/auth recover users who can't log in.
  • Added new documentation on inline comments in Differential.
  • The "Next Step" action in Differential is now a custom field.
  • Added a setup warning for major web/database clock skew issues.
Last Author
Last Edited
Dec 12 2015, 1:31 AM