User Details
- User Since
- Jan 24 2016, 3:28 AM (476 w, 4 d)
- Availability
- Available
Feb 21 2016
Is the background colours & gradients gonna be workboards only, or are you planning to roll it out across Phabricator over time?
Feb 13 2016
Awesome progress; cover images, points, points graph & project cards rectify just about everything I considered Workboards to be lacking.
Nice one
Feb 11 2016
Feb 8 2016
No cloudflare or caching.
Did restart the server after upgrade.
Issue began to happen following upgrade + restart on Saturday 30th January.
Can't reproduce on this install, though.
Ok, checking Firefox's error console and I get
Error: JX.initBehavior(map): behavior(s) not registered: dashboard-query-panel-select
Expanded to reveal:
JX.$E() core.pkg.js:2 JX.initBehaviors() core.pkg.js:178 .members._handleResponse/when_complete<() core.pkg.js:235 .statics._complete() core.pkg.js:193 .statics._loadJS/load_callback() core.pkg.js:184
Jan 29 2016
Unless I'm overlooking something, view raw leads to the same workflow as edit: still need to select and paste into comment box
Jan 28 2016
In the 1960s, the CIA spent over $20 million attempting to train cats to spy on the Kremlin.