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When submitting an arc diff, svn diff or updating a revision a Parse Exception ocurrs in Windows
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When uploading a diff to create a revision a parsing error appears:

(1) When using arc diff from command line:

Diff Parse Exception: Found the wrong number of hunk lines.

Raw input file was written to <.tmp file>

When trying to do the same uploading a patch (created through svn diff):

pasted_file (103×473 px, 5 KB)

On Friday all was ok working, it appears to be an update we did today.

We have latest version installed:
phabricator b0df33e6ecd715ae67552ce57030581b158f5623 (Fri, May 5)
arcanist 20ad47f2733135603d57b57be3e13422397e8071 (Fri, May 5)
phutil d02cc05931b02c684d4c729510090591ca45f951 (Sat, Apr 29)

Thanks in advance.


Event Timeline

cxzzero renamed this task from When submitting a svn diff or updating a revision a Parse Error ocurrs in Windows to When submitting an arc diff, svn diff or updating a revision a Parse Error ocurrs in Windows.May 8 2017, 2:26 PM
cxzzero renamed this task from When submitting an arc diff, svn diff or updating a revision a Parse Error ocurrs in Windows to When submitting an arc diff, svn diff or updating a revision a Parse Exception ocurrs in Windows.
cxzzero created this task.
cxzzero updated the task description. (Show Details)

There were no commits between friday and today, so I'm not following what you're trying to tell us.

This is a little light on reproduction steps. Can you give us more information such as the version information on Windows, SVN, local arcanist, if you attempted reproduction against a clean Phacility instance or against SVNTest here?

  • Windows version is Windows 7 with latest updates,
  • PHP version 5.6.13,
  • svn, version 1.9.4 (r1740329), compiled Apr 24 2016, 15:40:35 on x86-microsoft-windows
  • arcanist version mentioned above

This might be a variant of T2465. There's some workaround described there that might help.

Thanks, let me check that task and I tell you.

epriestley added a subscriber: epriestley.

No clue how to reproduce this.