We've tried to format this feature request using the suggested problem and five why's approach. We've also compiled user stories from feedback we've received from our end users. Let us know if you have any questions or would prefer another format.
Problem statement
As a reviewer, I cannot distinguish between a comment I expect the author to take action on and a comment I do not expect the author to take any action on. The action can be either making changes to the revision or explicitly stating they will not make the change.
- Why? So it is clear to the author what comments they should take action on.
- Why? So the author can focus on and not lose track of the changes necessary to submit the revision.
- Why? Authors have missed comments that should have been addressed.
- Why? So I can accept the revision with open issues while trusting the author to address the comments so I do not have to formally request changes (which seems too strong) and the revision can be landed without me having to accept after the comments are addressed.
- Why? So I am not blocking the revision from landing after the comments are addressed.
- Why? So that revisions can ship faster while maintaining quality.
- Why? So I am not blocking the revision from landing after the comments are addressed.
- Why? So the author can focus on and not lose track of the changes necessary to submit the revision.
User stories
- As the author of a change, I want an easily accessible backlog of things I need to address in order to satisfy reviewers thus far - without spending undue time or risking missing things.
- As a reviewer of a change, I wish to differentiate between take-it-or-leave-it style feedback and “please address this before shipping”, without coming across too formal or strong, and trusting that it will work and not be misinterpreted no matter who the author is (cross-team consistency in a large org).
- As a reviewer if I trust that the author will do final tweaks according to feedback and then it’s okay to ship without re-review, I want to say “fix it, then ship”. This puts additional importance on accurately conveying what needs to be fixed and not.
- As a team leader, I want to reduce social friction by allowing the distinction between “please fix before ship” issues and others in a neutral, codified and consistent way.