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2015 Week 42 (Mid October)
Updated 3,150 Days AgoPublic

Summary of changes from October 10, 2015 to October 17, 2015.

PhabricatorrPrP92a626f28 commits
ArcanistrARCrARC6c7def51 commit
libphutilrPHUrPHUaee76232 commits
Instances (SAAS)rSAASrSAAS536fc170 commits
Services (SAAS)rSERVICESrSERVICES58a0e840 commits
Core (SAAS)rCORErCORE3cfa2213 commits


  • We no longer advertise the Mercurial bundle2 capability. This should resolve issues with newer Mercurial clients until we can support bundle2 properly. See T9548 for discussion.


  • No notes in this period.

Upgrading / Compatibility

  • There is an upcoming mandatory migration from old Differential hunk storage to new Differential hunk storage. Installs with a large amount of data and a long history can avoid maintenance downtime by running this migration manually in advance of when it becomes mandatory. Follow T8623 for discussion.


Drydock is a prototype application.

Drydock needs more work and isn't stable or unprototyped yet. You can follow progress in T9252 / T9123.

Phabricator is now technically capable of landing revisions from the web UI, although this feature still requires a significant amount of work before it will be usable in the real world.

  • Built a new "Authorizations" mechanism.
  • Built a new "RepositoryOperation" mechanism.
  • Fixed an allocator bug casued by treating new and existing resources differently.
  • Fixed an allocator bug caused by not counting right.


  • (stable; rPc0a52201) Fixed an issue with custom "Users" fields (and other types of PHID fields) in Maniphest.
  • Removed ArcanistWorkflow->setWorkingCopy(), which had no effect for a long time.
  • Improved resolution of URIs like /tag/AA%20BB.
  • We now generate less-problematic hashtags.
  • Diffusion now uses hg files instead of hg locate if possible.
  • Fixed an issue with user mentions in Ponder.
  • Editing credentials in Passphrase now preserves "Space" properly.
  • Added PHUIRemarkupView
  • Fixed an issue with the !assign email command when the username can not be resolved.
Last Author
Last Edited
Dec 12 2015, 1:30 AM