
Start buildables in "PREPARING", move them to "BUILDING" after builds queue


Start buildables in "PREPARING", move them to "BUILDING" after builds queue

Depends on D19064. Ref T13054. See that task for additional discussion.

When buildables are created by arc and have lint/unit messages, they can currently pass or fail before Herald triggers actual builds. This puts them in a pre-build state where they can't complete until Herald says it's okay.

On its own, this change intentionally strands arc diff --only diffs in the "PREPARING" stage forever.

Test Plan:

  • Ran a build with bin/harbormaster, saw it build normally.
  • Ran a build with web UI, saw it build normally.
  • Ran a build with arc diff, saw it build normally.
  • Ran a build with arc diff --only, saw it hang in "PREPARING" forever.

Subscribers: PHID-OPKG-gm6ozazyms6q6i22gyam

Maniphest Tasks: T13054

Differential Revision: https://secure.phabricator.com/D19065