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- User Since
- Aug 4 2016, 10:15 PM (448 w, 4 h)
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Mar 28 2017
Mar 16 2017
That does make sense; we're using that multi-color approach for the report in the example in But we also put labels per-category, which is possible in that report because the categories are continuous over time to form ribbons, unlike this chart. For this chart, I think the mental model is that all categories are really sub-categories of the parent category "stuff we have worked on", and users only need to distinguish between high-priority and low-priority, hence the shading.
Mar 15 2017
@ablekh Thank you.
Here are some additional use cases and a sample implementation that is a Burn-up chart, not a Burndown chart, plus rationale.
Feb 13 2017
Here is an example of a report that is satisfying several use cases from the comment above, Those use cases, fleshed out a bit, include:
More use cases:
Aug 4 2016
But I agree with Kevin that the point limit seems a lot less useful than the task limit. They're both useful for different reasons, but having been a scrum master and on agile teams for the past 10 years, I find the task limit more fundamental to the processes I've seen.