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repo create recovery fails if empty workspace exists
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From, if an imported workspace finds an empty dir where the workdir should be, it doesn't recover.

$ '/home/avive/devtools/phabricator/bin/repository' update  -- LST
[2015-11-08 15:10:25] EXCEPTION: (CommandException) Command failed with error #128!
git remote show -n origin


fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
 at [<phutil>/src/future/exec/ExecFuture.php:416]
arcanist(head=master, ref.master=2db40f995337, custom=1), phabricator(head=master, ref.master=a2f909f0bd0a), phutil(head=master, ref.master=610ca9eba906)
  #0 ExecFuture::resolvex() called at [<phabricator>/src/applications/repository/storage/PhabricatorRepository.php:346]
  #1 PhabricatorRepository::execxLocalCommand(string) called at [<phabricator>/src/applications/repository/engine/PhabricatorRepositoryEngine.php:66]
  #2 PhabricatorRepositoryEngine::verifyGitOrigin(PhabricatorRepository) called at [<phabricator>/src/applications/repository/engine/PhabricatorRepositoryPullEngine.php:92]
  #3 PhabricatorRepositoryPullEngine::pullRepository() called at [<phabricator>/src/applications/repository/management/PhabricatorRepositoryManagementUpdateWorkflow.php:80]
  #4 PhabricatorRepositoryManagementUpdateWorkflow::execute(PhutilArgumentParser) called at [<phutil>/src/parser/argument/PhutilArgumentParser.php:406]
  #5 PhutilArgumentParser::parseWorkflowsFull(array) called at [<phutil>/src/parser/argument/PhutilArgumentParser.php:301]
  #6 PhutilArgumentParser::parseWorkflows(array) called at [<phabricator>/scripts/repository/manage_repositories.php:22]

This also fails for hosted repos, but in the case of imported ones we can actually recover (By deleting whatever we find there. We do that for other failed cases).

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I think it's correct that we're very conservative about destroying data. It would be incredibly bad to remove something important because a user set repository.default-local-path to something silly like /home/important_files/ and we decided to destroy /home/important_files/CRITICAL/ because it wasn't a repository.

If there's some way to get the daemons to clone a broken directory, we should fix that (e.g., clone to a temporary directory and do an atomic move on success), but I can't reproduce this (no matter when I interrupt git clone or what bad credentials I give it, I don't seem to ever get an empty/invalid directory).

We could maybe be more specific about the error.