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Implement Wnnn and {Wnnn} to link to and embed dashboard panels
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Users should be able to link to a dashboard panel by mentioning its object monogram -- like W123 in a comment (the "W" is mnemonic for "Widget", maybe).

You can look at PhabricatorPasteRemarkupRule for similar rules for Paste, which implement P123 and {P123}.

The linked version should just be a link; the embedded version should embed the widget.

Event Timeline

epriestley assigned this task to lpriestley.
epriestley raised the priority of this task from to Normal.
epriestley updated the task description. (Show Details)
epriestley added projects: Dashboards, Remarkup.

For T4986, I've been thinking of implementing a "tab panel" dashboard panel which you can embed other panels inside, so I think I'll have to fix the "recursive widgets" issue for that anyway. You can ignore that problem in your implementation here and assume it will be resolved elsewhere.

The recursive panel issue has been resolved elsewhere.