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Reorder forms possible for everyone
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I'm not sure if it is a bug, because I did not click "Save Changes" (I don't want to make damage), but normaly people who don't have access can't access this forms (like at workboards), but here I can access this form, and reorder your tasks create forms in theorie.

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Please follow Contributing Bug Reports when filing bug reports. Specifically this report lacks steps to reproduce the issue.


  1. You click at "edit task" or "new Bug Report" or "New feature request",
  2. Click at "configure form"
  3. Click at "view form configuration"
  4. Choose now from the side bar the option "Reorder create forms" or "Reorder edit form" (Second one is not reproducible here, because you got only one visible edit from at the moment)
  5. Then you can reorder the forms as normal user, so everybody can make chaos, if you got more forms, he can destroy the logical order.