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2020 Week 26 (Early July)
Updated 1,484 Days AgoPublic

Summary of changes from May 30, 2020 to July 3, 2020.

PhabricatorrPrP205657ac7610 commits
ArcanistrARCrARCa548060982 commits
Instances (SAAS)rSAASrSAAS790fd1d0 commits
Services (SAAS)rSERVICESrSERVICES35f9c190 commits
Core (SAAS)rCORErCOREf6bcec20 commits
  • These changes were promoted to stable.


This release includes significant changes to arc land. See:

This release includes significant changes to arc branch (now arc branches), arc bookmark (now arc bookmarks), and arc feature (now arc work). See:

This release includes minor changes to arc diff, although more changes are planned for a future release. See this task for ongoing discussion:

These changes touch a huge amount of behavior, and may have bugs. If something no longer works but isn't explicitly mentioned in one of the tasks above, you can report it on Discourse.

Note that new workflows, including arc land, allow you to save a response to prompts, similar to checking a "Don't ask me again" checkbox in a GUI. See arc help prompts (or type ? at the prompt when hinted) for instructions. You can review possible prompts and saved responses with (for example) arc prompts land.


  • No notes in this period.


  • No migrations in this period.

Upgrading / Compatibility

  • See notes above about changes to arc.


  • The Fact daemon can now hibernate.
  • [] Remarkup tables now wrap long sequences of monospaced text.
  • [] Fixed an issue where failed global locks could leak database connections.
  • [] Added --background and --count flags to bin/webhook call.
  • [] The SSH workflow now raises more useful error messages if it does not recognize a remote command.
  • [] "Export Data" no longer tries to use a policy preference to pick your preferred data format, which could sometimes fatal.
  • now returns an explicit "uri" parameter.
  • Fixed an issue with certain prose diffs with terminal newlines.
  • The --anonymous flag is no longer supported in arc.
  • arc will now tab-complete empty arguments with path suggestions if the workflow takes a list of paths.
  • Proxied futures should no longer raise exceptions prior to resolution.
  • [] Fixed an issue where linters that raised lint messages on nonexistent lines (e.g., line 100 of a 30-line file) could encounter an excessively aggressive fatal.
  • Fixed an issue where a few arc land commands were not executed from the project root working directory.
  • Added arc look. This is very experimental. I am considering making this command exit with an error if it is too dark outside.

The [] icon indicates a change backed by support mana.

Referenced Files
"Like" token, awarded by PXke.
Last Author
Last Edited
Jul 3 2020, 8:11 PM