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2019 Week 20 (Late May)
Updated 2,104 Days AgoPublic

Summary of changes from April 27, 2019 to May 16, 2019.

PhabricatorrPrP6bff2cee2231 commits
ArcanistrARCrARC82445bb66 commits
libphutilrPHUrPHU609b1532 commits
Instances (SAAS)rSAASrSAAS5e608510 commits
Services (SAAS)rSERVICESrSERVICES54243830 commits
Core (SAAS)rCORErCORE78c222b0 commits
This release also promotes 2019 Week 17 (Very Late April) to stable.
  • These changes were promoted to stable.



  • You can now find a list of dependencies at Dependencies. Note that this list is maintained manually and intended as a general starting point for understanding dependencies, not an unimpeachable source of truth.

Upgrading / Compatibility

  • Removed partially implemented WePay support from Phortune and "Httpful" and "Restful" dependencies. The WePay binding was never made production-ready and this allowed us to remove about 5,000 lines of dependencies.
  • Removed the PhabricatorQuickSearchEngineExtension class. This has existed only for backward compatibility, and callers have had about a year to update. If you still rely on it, update your code to extend PhabricatorDatasourceEngineExtension instead.


  • [] Fixed an issue with pylint version strings in arc.
  • Fixed a possible double prompt in arc when landing a revision with ongoing or failed builds.
  • [] Interdiffs in Differential show now show metadata changes (like file mode changes) correctly. Previously, some metadata changes incorrectly examined only part of the diff.
  • Editing existing dashboard panels from a dashboard should no longer cause panel duplication.
  • [] The "Limit" is now editable again for Query panels.
  • [] When a commit "reverts <commit-hash>", it now also reverts any associated revision.
  • [] Added a "Revision has build failures" Herald rule for commits. This rule is true if: (a) the commit has an associated revision; and (b) the revision has ongoing or failed builds that warn according to the "Warn When Landing" behaviors of their associated build plans.
  • [] Added a "Customize Query" action to query panels to make it easier to make adjustments.
  • [] Added "Move Left" and "Move Right" actions to tab panels.
  • Almost certainly stopped panels inside tab panels from becoming senselessly draggable.
  • [] Navigating to a workboard after removing the workboard menu item no longer fatals.
  • [] When a task is locked, subscribes/mentions (which do not require edit/interact perrrmission) no longer show a "Lock Overridden" emblem in the timeline.
  • [] When viewing a workboard, the crumbs now link to parent workboards only if parents actually have workboards.
  • [] Herald now formally bundles transactions as part of the state it will act upon, blurring the line between "state-triggered" and "change-triggered" behavior and bringing us a step closer to doom.
  • [] Added a "Published document changed" Herald field to Phriction document rules. You can use this field to act when an edit affects the published document, while ignoring edits which only affect drafts.
  • [] Auth now supports customizable "Wait for Approval" instructions, which can be used to add words of comfort and reassurance.
  • [] The "draft", "summary", and "testPlan" transactions in Differential now return types and data from
  • [] Subscribers transactions also now return types and data from
  • If you search for Phabricator URI, the search box now acts as a location bar.
  • [] In common cases, links within an install in Remarkup contexts should now be rendered in a specialized way and have hovercard support.
  • [] The "Branches" view in Diffusion should now be more clear about which refs are permanent.
  • [] Improved performance of tab replacement in some common cases. This mostly affects very large machine-generated source files.

The [] icon indicates a change backed by support mana.

Last Author
Last Edited
May 16 2019, 9:18 PM

Event Timeline

epriestley edited the content of this document. (Show Details)