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2017 Week 16 (Late April)
Updated 2,652 Days AgoPublic

Summary of changes from April 15, 2017 to April 21, 2017.

PhabricatorrPrP03d0e3fdbc56 commits
ArcanistrARCrARC146693301 commit
libphutilrPHUrPHU6fe33620 commits
Instances (SAAS)rSAASrSAASb9effb50 commits
Services (SAAS)rSERVICESrSERVICES2a068674 commits
Core (SAAS)rCORErCOREcdac97b7 commits
  • These changes were promoted to stable.


  • When a repository directory has more than 100 files, the paging control so you can look at more files is now easier to find.


  • The PhabricatorBot code has been removed from Phabricator. A researcher identified that bots using the IRC adapter with privileged credentials that joined private channels could leak object titles to unprivileged users via private message. More generally, this code has been unmaintained and barely worked for a very long time.


20170417.files.ngrams.sql24 ms
20170418.files.isDeleted.sql13,500 ms
20170419.thread.01.behind.sql391 ms
20170419.thread.02.status.sql309 ms
20170419.thread.03.touched.sql361 ms
20170418.1.application.01.xaction.sql24 ms
20170418.1.application.02.edge.sql38 ms ms
db.application3 ms

"Duration" is the duration for this install, and may not be representative.

Upgrading / Compatibility

  • See note in "Files" below about an optional migration.
  • See note in "Security" above about PhabricatorBot.


  • Added sound support.
  • Added sound and color preferences.
  • Fixed a bug where text input could be discarded if you typed while a message was transmitting.


  • Files can now be searched by name substring.
  • To rebuild the index for existing files, run this command:
phabricator/ $ ./bin/search index --type file --background
  • See T11932 for general guidance on index rebuilds.
  • File deletion is now performed by the daemons.


  • Notifications and realtime messages should now be delivered more reliably with fewer duplicates.
  • Mobile UIs now disable iPhone autozoom.
  • Fixed "Range" HTTP header handling in Celerity.
  • Fixed an issue where stemming and tokenization could apply out of order in fulltext search.
  • "Locate File" should now return results no matter how quick you are on the draw.
  • Package and project reviewers in Differential now show which user accepted a revision.
  • Grey button borders were made far more intense. Perhaps too intense.
Last Author
Last Edited
Apr 21 2017, 11:56 PM

Event Timeline

epriestley edited the content of this document. (Show Details)