
When replying to a ghost comment, attach the reply to the same place


When replying to a ghost comment, attach the reply to the same place

Fixes T10562. I left this behavior sort of ambiguous in the original implementation because I didn't anticipate or stumble across this situation.

It's easy to fix: when you reply to a ghost, just put the reply in the exact same place as the ghost (even if it's a different diff), so they always move/ghost/port/thread together.

Test Plan:
See T10562 for reproduction steps and a "before" picture. Here's the after picture:

Screen Shot 2016-03-10 at 4.04.52 PM.png (922×924 px, 93 KB)

The two comments at the bottom are pre-fix, and exhibit the bug. The comment at the top is post-fix, and appears adjacent to the original correctly.

Reviewers: chad

Reviewed By: chad

Subscribers: eadler

Maniphest Tasks: T10562

Differential Revision: https://secure.phabricator.com/D15458