
Allow users to resign if they have authority over any reviewer


Allow users to resign if they have authority over any reviewer

Ref T11050. The old rule was "you can only resign if you're a reviewer".

With the new behavior of "resign", the rule should be "you can resign if you're a reviewer, or you have authority over any reviewer". Make it so.

Also fixes T12446. I don't know how to reproduce that but I'm pretty sure this'll fix it?

Test Plan:

  • Could not resign from a revision with no authority/reviewer.
  • Resigned from a revision with myself as a reviewer.
  • Resigned from a revision with a package I owned as a reviewer.
  • Could not resign from a revision I had already resigned from.

Reviewers: chad

Reviewed By: chad

Maniphest Tasks: T12446, T11050

Differential Revision: https://secure.phabricator.com/D17558