I will often wrote :P and be extremely disappointed when it doesn't render as an emoticon. Supporting emoticons would be sorta neat.
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- T8868: Auto-convert standard smileys to :smiley: syntax
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This comment was removed by tycho.tatitscheff.
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I'm still not a super fan of how different browsers render different emojis, but it seems we could at least map the basic ones like @swisspol suggests.
{ ':)' : 'smile', ':-)' : 'smile', ':(' : 'frowning', ':-(' : 'frowning', ';)' : 'wink', ';-)' : 'wink', ':\'(' : 'cry', ':\'-(': 'cry', ':-\'(': 'cry', ':p' : 'stuck_out_tongue', ':P' : 'stuck_out_tongue', ':-P' : 'stuck_out_tongue', ':O' : 'open_mouth', ':-O' : 'open_mouth', ':D' : 'smiley', ':-D' : 'smiley', ':|' : 'expressionless', ':-|' : 'expressionless', ':/' : 'confused', ";P" : 'stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye', ";-P" : 'stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye', ":$" : 'blush', ":-$" : 'blush' };
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Ooooh. Twitter's emoji are open source.
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We now support emoji; we might support stickers at some point. If we did, I'd expect them to use the autocomplete element (which I think is in a relatively good place for emoji), not actually be invoked with :P, ^-^, etc.