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Allow custom email addresses to file tickets against a project
Closed, ResolvedPublic


It would be great if it were possible to have custom email addresses create tasks for specific projects in Phabricator.

I imagine the email subject would map to the task title and the email body to the task body.

Otherwise it would follow the usual flow where it lands in the project in a "Needs Triage" state.

Event Timeline

sh1mmer raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
sh1mmer updated the task description. (Show Details)
sh1mmer added a subscriber: sh1mmer.
chad triaged this task as Low priority.Jun 9 2014, 3:53 PM
epriestley added a subscriber: epriestley.

Tentatively, my plan for this is just to let you set several "bugs" addresses, and then use Herald rules to do all the routing. We already have "is newly created" and "content source", so we'd just have to add "receiving email address", and then you could write a rule like:

When all of these conditions are met:
  [ Is newly created? ] [ is true ]
  [ Receiving email address ][ contains ][ "support@" ]

Take these actions:
  [ Add Projects ][ support ]
  [ Assign task to ][ epriestley ]

So 95% of this is untangling the config mess of inbound email. I might try to move all the related email stuff here into Application settings.

You should also be able to put #project in the email body now I think, but that's not really the same use case.

It would be sort of cool if automatically worked, but I'm not sure if that is too much magic or conflicts with something else.

See T6819 for some discussion of automatic associations.


  • If you want well-known addresses (e.g., that systems or forms in your software will submit things to), the expectation is now that you'll add them all in the application config (backend-bugs@, frontend-bugs@), and then use Herald rules to route them, associate projects, assign owners, etc.
  • If you want ad-hoc association, read T6819 and then file a request. We're more likely to pursue a straightforward, explicit association syntax which works everywhere (like +#project in the body) than adding magic to addresses, though. Specifically, #project did this until recently, but it didn't actually appear to be very useful and triggered when people didn't want it to.