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Support checkstyle as an output format
Closed, ResolvedPublic


It would be great if arc lint supported checkstyle as an output format (i.e. arc lint --output checkstyle). Arcanist does a good job at wrapping existing linters with a consistent interface, providing a standard output format (such as checkstyle) would make it easier for me to integrate with Jenkins.

Event Timeline

joshuaspence claimed this task.
joshuaspence raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
joshuaspence updated the task description. (Show Details)
joshuaspence added a project: Arcanist.
joshuaspence added subscribers: joshuaspence, epriestley.
joshuaspence edited this Maniphest Task.
joshuaspence renamed this task from Support checkstyle as an output format. to Support checkstyle as an output format.Jul 10 2014, 9:07 PM