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Allow profile pictures to go on object cards
Closed, ResolvedPublic


It would be nice to put project profile pictures on the /project/ list. We might do something fancier eventually, but in the meantime it would be a step forward.

It would also let us do a better job with member editing in projects, which currently uses a weird one-off UI. It would probably make /people/ nicer too.

I think this is probably trivial from a design perspective and mostly involves writing the code for it, I think.

Event Timeline

epriestley raised the priority of this task from to Normal.
epriestley updated the task description. (Show Details)
epriestley added projects: Projects, People, Design.
epriestley added subscribers: epriestley, chad.

Specifically, I mean project profile pictures. That is, just this:

| +----+  Project or User Name             |
| |    |                                   |
| +----+                                   |

..where that left box has the project picture or the user profile picture, depending on whether the card/item is for a project or a user.

Offtopic, but why are projects now stacked in the property list. Bug?

It's because the board name renders after them, if the task is part of a board, e.g. Design (In Progress).

Can we up the image size we set for users to 100px, then scale to 50 in general use cases? I think we have projects covered to 100 px, would be nice to have larger profile photos as well (when possible of course).

There are like, designy things I can do with larger photos.

That should be straightforward. The two issues I see offhand are:

  • Existing pictures will look junky at 100x100.
  • The pictures we get from other services rarely have 100x100 pixels of resolution and will also look junky.

Unless this is mostly a retina thing and we're effectively always scaling down.

Neither of these are real problems, but they might motivate some kind of "hey your stupid tiny profile picture looks bad, upload a nice one" feature.

I wouldn't use 100 anywhere prominent, maybe just /p/chad/ , but collecting them now means I could say in a year.

Yep, makes sense. The related code (for, e.g., resizing images) could use some cleanup anyway.

epriestley edited this Maniphest Task.
epriestley edited this Maniphest Task.
epriestley edited this Maniphest Task.