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Link to referenced object in transaction emails
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Working from your email inbox is pretty efficient with Phabricator, but there is a mild inconvenience with transaction emails that reference other objects.

Usually if you mention an object in a comment (like Dxxx) Phabricator will turn this into a link to the referenced object in an email. However, sometimes you'll receive an email containing something like:

user added a revision: Dxxx: Title of the revision.

Unfortunately it's not possible to quickly click through to the revision in this case. You'll have to open the task (on a side note, the link to the task is often hidden by email clients because it's repeated over several emails), scroll down to find the revision and click the link.

I think it would make the email UI a little more consistent if all objects referenced in emails would link to the object.

Event Timeline

epriestley added a subscriber: epriestley.

D19968 got us closer here, but the link targets aren't actually rendering properly.

I also don't think we want to link the actor ("epriestley did such and such...") since it not very useful but it adds more stuff that invites you to click it.

I'm going to effectively back this out for now before deployment since the broken bit is pretty visible, and take another stab at it for the next release.