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DB column missing default value or should be nullable...
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I updated phabricator, libphutil, arcanist to the latest stable version. I followed all the upgrade instructions. When "arc diff"ing I get this error:

[HTTP/500] Internal Server Error
{"result":null,"error_code":"ERR-CONDUIT-CORE","error_info":"#1364: Field 'properties' doesn't have a default value"}

At first I turned off strict mode in MySQL then I decided to fix it by making the column nullable in the db:
ALTER TABLE differential_revision MODIFY COLUMN properties longtext NULL;

Not sure if this is a bug on my end or if reproducible elsewhere but it prevented me from being able to use arc diff. My environment is pretty standard (ubuntu 14.04, nginx + php-fpm).


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epriestley added a subscriber: epriestley.

I can't reproduce this. arc diff is working fire for me and many other users, and 5 different users have created 7 revisions against this install so far today alone (D16482 through D16489).

Bug reports must include reproduction instructions which allow us to reproduce issues. See Contributing Bug Reports and Providing Reproduction Steps.

What can I do differently, in order to reproduce this issue?

I'm honestly not sure. I followed the normal upgrading instructions as always:

  • Stop webserver (nginx + php-fpm)
  • Stop phd daemons
  • Update the repos (arcanist, libphutil, phabricator) to latest stable
  • Upgrade storage
  • Start phd daemons
  • Start webserver (nginx + php-fpm)

Really nothing out of the ordinary.

Just wouldn't let me diff without turning off strict mode in mysql or changing that one field to accept nulls.

This is obviously not enough information to go on, but I thought I'd post anyways. Sorry.

Does your webserver error log have a long-form version of that error with a stack trace in it?

No sorry, I don't have logging set up on that server.

We can't move forward then, sorry.

(See Support Resources for details on what we do and don't offer support for. Without reproduction steps, this is "Installation and Setup Help", not a bug report we can accept upstream.)