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2016 Week 10 (Early March)
Updated 3,066 Days AgoPublic

Summary of changes from February 27, 2016 to March 4, 2016.

PhabricatorrPrP2f14a5941 commits
ArcanistrARCrARC3876d932 commits
libphutilrPHUrPHUad3f4752 commits
Instances (SAAS)rSAASrSAAS794f8c30 commits
Services (SAAS)rSERVICESrSERVICESa2c79ba4 commits
Core (SAAS)rCORErCOREe99fd4a5 commits


Detail pages in many minor applications (like Countdown and Paste) have received a design update. These changes will be applied to more applications in the coming weeks. See the development notes for discussion.

Many changes this week relate to preparing Drydock for use in the Phacility cluster. You can find more details in T10246.

  • Almanac is no longer a prototype application.
  • Drydock is no longer a prototype application.


  • No notes in this period.


20160227.harbormaster.1.plann.sql51msStore ngrams.
20160227.harbormaster.2.plani.php81msIndex ngrams.
20160303.drydock.1.bluen.sql19msStore more ngrams.
20160303.drydock.2.bluei.php60msIndex more ngrams.
20160303.drydock.3.edge.sql31msStore edges.

"Duration" is the duration for this install, and may not be representative.

Upgrading / Compatibility

  • No notes in this period.


  • Almanac, Drydock and Harbormaster have received various minor UI and infrastructure improvements.
  • Library map test failures are now more clearly communicated.
  • Fixed an issue where tokenCache in AASTNode would go unused.
  • Harbormaster build logs are now compressed in-place after they are written.
  • Fixed a UI consistency issue with blog creation in Phame.
  • arc browse --branch should now work correctly with exotic branch names.
Last Author
Last Edited
Mar 5 2016, 2:30 AM

Event Timeline

epriestley edited the content of this document. (Show Details)