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2015 Week 43 (Late October)
Updated 3,149 Days AgoPublic

Summary of changes from October 17, 2015 to October 24, 2015.

PhabricatorrPrPb03804117 commits
ArcanistrARCrARCdfde57f3 commits
libphutilrPHUrPHUdb3667a1 commit
Instances (SAAS)rSAASrSAASeb7277a1 commit
Services (SAAS)rSERVICESrSERVICES58a0e840 commits
Core (SAAS)rCORErCORE3cfa2210 commits


  • No major changes in this period.


  • No notes in this period.

Upgrading / Compatibility

  • There is an upcoming mandatory migration from old Differential hunk storage to new Differential hunk storage. Installs with a large amount of data and a long history can avoid maintenance downtime by running this migration manually in advance of when it becomes mandatory. Follow T8623 for discussion.


  • arc upgrade now has better error handling behavior.
  • Fallback disk-based setup caches should be more reliable (but slower).
  • The "script-and-regex" linter now handles empty char and line captures more gracefully.
  • "Create Subtask" now shows the correct availability state for logged-out users.
  • Initializing a workboard now requires CAN_EDIT on the project.
  • Updated support documentation.
  • Fixed an issue where custom application policies could be reflected incorrectly in the control state after an initial edit.
  • Fixed an issue where logging out of an authentication provider (like Facebook), logging in with a different account, and then synchronizing your account from Phabricator could put the links in a bad state.
  • We no longer store user IP addresses in content source metadata. We did not use this information, and it has minor data retention policy interactions for some installs.
Last Author
Last Edited
Dec 12 2015, 1:31 AM