
Make reloading workboards with "R" respect workboard ordering


Make reloading workboards with "R" respect workboard ordering

Depends on D20653. Ref T4900. Pass ordering details to the reload endpoint so it can give the client accurate ordering/header information in the response.

The removed comment mentions this, but here's why this is a difficult mess:

  • In window A, view a board with "Group by: Owner" and no tasks owned by "Alice". Since "Alice" owns no tasks, this means the columns do not have an "Assigned to: Alice" header!
  • In window B, edit task T and assign it to Alice.
  • In window A, press "R".

Window A now not only needs to update to properly reflect the state of task T, it actually needs to draw a new "Assigned to: Alice" header in every column.

Fortunately, the "group by" code anticipates this being a big mess, is fairly careful about handling it, and the client can handle this state change and the actual code change here isn't too involved. This is just causing a lot of not-very-obvious indirect effects in the pipeline to handle these situations that need complex redraws.

Test Plan:

  • After making various normal edits/creates/moves in window A, pressed "R" in window B. Saw ordering reflected correctly after sync.
  • Went through the whole "Group by: Owner" + assign to unrepresented owner flow above. After pressing "R", saw "Assigned to: Alice" appear on the board.

Reviewers: amckinley

Reviewed By: amckinley

Maniphest Tasks: T4900

Differential Revision: https://secure.phabricator.com/D20654