
Denormalize added and removed line counts for the current diff onto revisions


Denormalize added and removed line counts for the current diff onto revisions

See PHI230. Currently, we denormalize raw line counts onto diffs and revisions, but not added/removed line counts.

I'd like to try a [---+ ] sort of size hint element (see D16322 for more) as a general approach to conveying size information at a glance and see how it feels, since I think the raw size number isn't very scannable/useful and it may be a significant improvement to hint about how much of a change is throwing stuff out vs adding new stuff.

This just makes the data available without any subquerying and doesn't actually change the UI.

Test Plan:
Created a revision, saw detailed change information populate in the database.

mysql> select * from differential_revision where id = 292\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
              id: 292
           title: WIP
   originalTitle: WIP
            phid: PHID-DREV-ux3cxptibn3l5pxsug3z
          status: draft
         summary: asdf
        testPlan: asdf
      authorPHID: PHID-USER-cvfydnwadpdj7vdon36z
lastReviewerPHID: NULL
       lineCount: 41
     dateCreated: 1513179418
    dateModified: 1513179418
        attached: []
         mailKey: h4mn6perdio47o4beomyvu75zezwvredx3mbrlgz
      branchName: NULL
      viewPolicy: users
      editPolicy: users
  repositoryPHID: PHID-REPO-wif5lutk5gn3y6ursk4p
      properties: {"lines.added":40,"lines.removed":1}
  activeDiffPHID: PHID-DIFF-ixjphpunpkenqgukpmce
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Reviewers: amckinley

Reviewed By: amckinley

Differential Revision: https://secure.phabricator.com/D18832
