
Make PhutilProseDifferenceEngine degrade on large inputs instead of consuming…


Make PhutilProseDifferenceEngine degrade on large inputs instead of consuming all RAM in the entire world

Fixes T11743. For very large inputs which can't be simplified (e.g., dissimilar text at the beginning and end across a very large number of paragraphs) we currently try to build an edit distance matrix, but this is exponential in space and time and slowness and how PHP-ish it is.

Instead, just give up for very large inputs. This will still prose-diff any corpuses with fewer than 128 paragraphs, which is the vast majority of documents.

Test Plan:

  • Created a degnerate Paste similar to the one in T11743.
  • Viewed change details and ran bin/worker execute --id <id> --trace before and after patch.
    • Before: everything hung forever.
    • After: everything worked great, although the diff wasn't perfect.

Reviewers: chad

Reviewed By: chad

Subscribers: wizsrk, gregprice

Maniphest Tasks: T11743

Differential Revision: https://secure.phabricator.com/D16682