
When predicting object policies for project milestones, adjust objects so they…


When predicting object policies for project milestones, adjust objects so they behave like milestones

Ref T13462. Currently, when testing milestone edit policies during creation, the project object does not behave like a milestone:

  • it doesn't have a milestone number yet, so it doesn't try to access the parent project; and
  • the parent project isn't attached yet.

Instead: attach the parent project sooner (which "should" be harmless, although it's possible this has weird side effects); and give the adjusted policy object a dummy milestone number if it doesn't have one yet. This forces it to act like a milestone when emitting policies.

Test Plan:

  • Set "Projects" application default edit policy to "No One".
  • Created a milestone I had permission to create.
    • Before: failed with a policy error, because the project behaved like a non-milestone and returned "No One" as the effective edit policy.
    • After: worked properly, correctly evaluting the parent project edit policy as the effective edit policy.
  • Tried to create a milestone I did not have permission to create (no edit permission on parent project).
    • Got an appropriate edit policy error.

Maniphest Tasks: T13462

Differential Revision: https://secure.phabricator.com/D20919