
Add "Autoplans" to Harbormaster


Add "Autoplans" to Harbormaster

Ref T8095. Two general problems:

  • I want Harbormaster to own all lint and unit test results.
  • I don't want users to have to configure anything for arc to keep working automatically.

These are in conflict because generic lint/unit test ownership in Harbormaster requires that build targets exist which we can attach build results to. However, we can't currently create build targets on demand: Harbormaster assumes it is responsible for creating targets, then running code or making third-party service calls to actually run the builds.

I considered two broad approaches to let arc push results into Harbormaster without requiring administrators to configure some kind of "arc results" build plan:

  1. Add magic target PHIDs like PHID-MAGIC-this-is-really-arc-unit.
  2. Add new code to build real targets with real PHIDs.

(1) is probably a bit less work to get off the ground, but I think it's worse overall and very likely to create more problems in the long run. I particularly worry that it will lead to a small amount of special casing in a very large number of places, which seems more fragile.

(2) is more work upfront but I think does a better job of putting all the special casing in one place that we can, e.g., more reasonably unit test, and letting the rest of the code rarely/never care about this case since it's just dealing with normal plans/steps/targets as far as it can tell.

This diff introduces "autoplans", which are source templates for plans/steps. This let us "push" these targets into Harbormaster. Hypthetically, any process "like" arc can use autoplans to upload test/lint/etc results. In practice, probably only arc will ever use this, but I think it's still quite a bit cleaner than the alternative despite all the generality.

Workflow is basically:

  • arc creates a diff.
  • arc calls harbormaster.queryautotargets, passing the diff PHID and saying "I have some lint and unit results I want to stick on this thing".
  • Harbormaster builds the plan, steps, and targets (if any of them don't already exist), and hands back the target PHIDs so arc has a completely standard-looking place to put results.
  • arc uploads the test results to the right targets, as though Harbormaster had asked it to run unit/lint in the first place.

(This doesn't actually do any of that yet, just sets things up.)

I'll maybe doc turn that ^^^^^^ into a doc for posterity since I think it's hard to guess what an "autotarget" is, but I'm going to grab some lunch first.

Test Plan:

  • Added unit tests to make sure we can build these things properly.
  • Used harbormaster.queryautotargets to build autotargets for a bunch of diffs.
  • Verified targets come up in "waiting for message" state.
  • Verified plans and steps are not editable.

Reviewers: btrahan

Reviewed By: btrahan

Subscribers: hach-que, epriestley

Maniphest Tasks: T8095

Differential Revision: https://secure.phabricator.com/D13345


epriestleyAuthored on
epriestleyPushed on Jun 21 2015, 4:04 PM
Differential Revision
D13345: Add "Autoplans" to Harbormaster
rP081300c7f861: Modernize some Harbormaster Controller/Policy infrastructure
T8095: Let Harbormaster own Lint and Unit results