
Post data to the Aphlict server in JSON encoded form.


Post data to the Aphlict server in JSON encoded form.

Ref T4324. Currently, notifications data is POSTed to the Aphlict server in the application/x-www-form-urlencoded format. This works fine for simple data but is problematic for nested data. For example:

  'data' => array(
    'key'  => '6021329908492455737',
    'type' => 'PhabricatorNotificationAdHocFeedStory',
  'subscribers' => array(

Is encoded as data%5Bkey%5D=6021329908492455737&data%5Btype%5D=PhabricatorNotificationAdHocFeedStory&subscribers%5B0%5D=PHID-USER-y7ofqm276ejs62yqghge. This string is then (incorrectly) decoded by querystring.parse as:

> querystring.parse('data%5Bkey%5D=6021329908492455737&data%5Btype%5D=PhabricatorNotificationAdHocFeedStory&subscribers%5B0%5D=PHID-USER-y7ofqm276ejs62yqghge');
{ 'data[key]': '6021329908492455737',
  'data[type]': 'PhabricatorNotificationAdHocFeedStory',
  'subscribers[0]': 'PHID-USER-y7ofqm276ejs62yqghge' }

Test Plan: Sent test notifications from /notification/status/ and verified that the notifications still worked.

Reviewers: Blessed Reviewers, epriestley

Reviewed By: Blessed Reviewers, epriestley

Subscribers: epriestley, Korvin

Maniphest Tasks: T4324

Differential Revision: https://secure.phabricator.com/D9386

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