
Properly transform Celerity resource URIs with query strings and anchors


Properly transform Celerity resource URIs with query strings and anchors

See https://github.com/facebook/phabricator/commit/6a45b7e67091a217a28414cdcc8d02b50875a7d6

These URIs have "?hack=iefix#ieieielol" on them, which the parser doesn't recognize as a known resource, so it errs on the side of caution by not rewriting.

Instead, strip this bit off, attempt to rewrite, then put it back on.

Test Plan: Loaded font-awesome.css locally and saw properly rewritten URIs.

Reviewers: btrahan, chad

Reviewed By: chad

Subscribers: epriestley

Differential Revision: https://secure.phabricator.com/D9153


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