
Conpherence - get #anchor links to messages working


Conpherence - get #anchor links to messages working

Ref T7757. Oddities include:

  • not working in column view, since the generic anchor technology conflicts once you navigate to a page with a transaction timeline view
  • not working if you are linking to a message not included in initial load

Remaining work is addressing these oddities.

  • make column view timestamp link to full conpherence correctly?
  • make back end load from hyperlinked transaction forward? or do it more like application transactions and have the client keep requesting stuff until it gets it?

Open to suggestions! :D

Test Plan: played around in conpherence full and stuff looked okay. noted no changes as intended in column view.

Reviewers: epriestley, chad

Reviewed By: epriestley

Subscribers: Korvin, epriestley

Maniphest Tasks: T7757

Differential Revision: https://secure.phabricator.com/D12402
